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Guardian_of_Transcendence.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_SPAWN { if($x == -15 && $y == 0) { quest::setnexthpevent(90); } if($x == 445 && $y == -489) { $npc->SetHP(473300); quest::setnexthpevent(75); } if($x == 671 && $y == -714) { $npc->SetHP(394420); quest::setnexthpevent(50); } if($x == 534 & $y == -210) { $npc->SetHP(262947); } } sub EVENT_HP { if($hpevent == 90) { quest::ze(0,"Guardian of Transcendence crumbles to dust upon the ground, but you have the feeling that you haven't seen the last of it yet."); quest::depop(); quest::spawn2(294500,0,0,445,-489,-45,418); # NPC: Guardian_of_Transcendence $entity_list->FindDoor(15)->SetLockPick(0); $entity_list->FindDoor(16)->SetLockPick(0); } if($hpevent == 75) { quest::ze(0,"Guardian of Transcendence crumbled once again into a pile of dust. Like before, you feel like you haven't seen the last of it."); quest::depop(); quest::spawn2(294500,0,0,671,-714,-50,382); # NPC: Guardian_of_Transcendence $entity_list->FindDoor(8)->SetLockPick(0); $entity_list->FindDoor(9)->SetLockPick(0); } if($hpevent == 50) { quest::ze(0,"Guardian of Transcendence crumbles once more to dust at your feet. Its presence remains, though. It is no doubt waiting for you."); quest::depop(); quest::spawn2(294500,0,0,534,-210,-50,144); # NPC: Guardian_of_Transcendence $entity_list->FindDoor(10)->SetLockPick(0); $entity_list->FindDoor(12)->SetLockPick(0); $entity_list->FindDoor(13)->SetLockPick(0); $entity_list->FindDoor(14)->SetLockPick(0); } } sub EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE { quest::spawn2(294593,0,0,530,-261,-50,138); # NPC: Vrex_Xalkak`s_Sentinel quest::spawn2(294598,0,0,531,-157,-50,252); # NPC: #Vrex_Xalkak`s_Sentinel quest::spawn2(294599,0,0,522,-233,-50,136); # NPC: #Vrex_Xalkak`s_Sentinel_ quest::spawn2(294600,0,0,516,-182,-50,136); # NPC: Vrex_Xalkak`s_Sentinel_ quest::signalwith(294631,5); #set lockout quest::ze(0,"The death of the Guardian of Transcendence reveals a trusik geomancer! It appears he was the guardian all along and used his phenomenal abilities to lure you into his den!"); quest::ze(0,"Vrex Xalkak Nixki says, 'I won't be defeated so easily! Come forth, my sentinels! Your time to work is at hand!'"); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022