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#Vrex_Xalkak_Nixki.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--Ikkinz Raid #3: Chambers of Transcendence --at a much later point in the timeline, nixki does not HP flux function event_spawn(e) eq.set_timer("hpflux", 5 * 1000); eq.set_next_hp_event(4); end function event_hp(e) if(e.hp_event == 4) then e.self:SetSpecialAbility(4, 1); --turn aoe ramp on eq.zone_emote(13, e.self:GetCleanName() .. " is infuriated!"); eq.set_timer("removeae", 5 * 1000); end end function event_combat(e) if (e.joined == true) then eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 3 * 1000); eq.stop_timer("hpflux"); else eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); eq.set_timer("hpflux", 5 * 1000); end end function event_timer(e) if(e.timer=="OOBcheck") then eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); if (e.self:GetX() < 500 or e.self:GetX() > 700 or e.self:GetY() > -120 or e.self:GetY() < -300) then e.self:CastSpell(3791,e.self:GetID()); -- Spell: Ocean's Cleansing e.self:GotoBind(); e.self:WipeHateList(); else eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 3 * 1000); end elseif(e.timer=="hpflux") then if (e.self:GetHPRatio() < 10) then e.self:SetHP(3300000); else e.self:SetHP(165000); end elseif(e.timer=="removeae") then eq.stop_timer("removeae"); eq.zone_emote(13, e.self:GetCleanName() .. " is no longer infuriated."); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(4, 0); --turn aoe ramp off end end function event_death_complete(e) eq.spawn2(294596,0,0,519,-247,-50,70); -- NPC: a_pile_of_bones eq.spawn2(294596,0,0,521,-156,-50,170); -- NPC: a_pile_of_bones eq.spawn2(294596,0,0,556,-266,-50,486); -- NPC: a_pile_of_bones eq.spawn2(294596,0,0,618,-232,-50,4); -- NPC: a_pile_of_bones --should be based on number of players in zone eq.signal(294631,6); --set lockout eq.zone_emote(0,"Vrex Xalkak Nixki has been defeated! The whole time you were led to believe that this guardian was just another stone sentinel left as a test by the trusik priests of the past. Congratulations on a most difficult task indeed!"); eq.ZoneMarquee(10,510,1,1,6000,"Vrex Xalkak Nixki has been defeated! Congratulations!"); end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022