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#Malevolent_Priest.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--Ikkinz Group Trial #2: Twin Struggles function event_enter(e) eq.set_timer("nukes", 5 * 1000); end function event_combat(e) if (e.joined == true) then eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 3 * 1000); else eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); end end function event_spawn(e) eq.set_timer("regen", 3 * 1000); end function event_timer(e) if(e.timer=="OOBcheck") then eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); if (e.self:GetX() < -40 or e.self:GetX() > 32) then e.self:CastSpell(3791,e.self:GetID()); -- Spell: Ocean's Cleansing e.self:GotoBind(); e.self:WipeHateList(); else eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 3 * 1000); end elseif(e.timer=="regen") then eq.stop_timer("regen"); e.self:ModifyNPCStat("hp_regen", "1"); e.self:SetOOCRegen(0); local ex = e.self:GetX(); local ey = e.self:GetY(); local ez = e.self:GetZ(); eq.set_proximity(ex - 60, ex + 60, ey - 60, ey + 60, ez - 10, ez + 20); elseif(e.timer=="nukes") then local get_client=eq.get_entity_list():GetRandomClient(e.self:GetX(),e.self:GetY(),e.self:GetZ(),3136); --get client within 56 radius if (get_client.valid) then local rand = math.random(1,3); if (rand == 1) then e.self:CastSpell(4992,get_client:GetID()); --Malevolent Assault (4992) e.self:Say("I can feel your distress as you defend against this malevolent assault!"); elseif (rand == 2) then e.self:CastSpell(4991,get_client:GetID()); --Coordinated Strike (4991) e.self:Say("Our combined powers shall destroy you!"); elseif (rand == 3) then e.self:CastSpell(4993,get_client:GetID()); --Malevolent Vex (4993) e.self:Say("May your soul be torn by this spiteful vexer!"); end end end end function event_signal(e) local hp = e.self:GetMaxHP() * .10; if ( (e.self:GetHP() - hp ) > 0 ) then e.self:SetHP( e.self:GetHP() - hp ); local el = eq.get_entity_list(); if (el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(294086) == false and el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(294087) == false and el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(294088) == false and el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(294089) == false and el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(294090) == false) then --all servitors are down e.self:SetSpecialAbility(24, 0); --turn off immunity e.self:SetSpecialAbility(35, 0); --turn off immunity end end end function event_death_complete(e) local el = eq.get_entity_list(); if (el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(294629) == false) then --#Malevolent_Priest_ (294629) Instance_Win(); --check for other malevolent priest, if both are down, instance is won end end function Instance_Win(e) local dz = eq.get_expedition() if dz.valid then dz:SetLocked(true, ExpeditionLockMessage.Close) dz:AddReplayLockoutDuration(eq.seconds("16h")) eq.spawn2(294140,0,0,-18,-139,-2,384); -- NPC: a_pile_of_bones eq.spawn2(294139,0,0,-18,-271,-2,128); -- NPC: a_pile_of_bones eq.zone_emote(15, "Your expedition is nearing its close. You cannot bring any additional people into your expedition at this time.") eq.zone_emote(0, "The Malevolent Priests have been defeated! Though the legion may send replacements, you have finished what you sought out to do and delayed their progress for a time! Congratulations!") eq.ZoneMarquee(10, 510, 1, 1, 6000, "The Malevolent Priests have been defeated! Congratulations!"); end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022