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Ritap.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 30048, 30049 sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Avast you! Ya best be shoving off if ye knows whats good for you. We be pirate raiders and ya best not be messing with the likes of us!"); quest::settimer("ritap1", 2); } if ($text=~/tinkered rope/i) { quest::say("Batten down yer yapper! Ahl be doin the talking here. We be needin the rope to tie ye down fer ransom. Now fetch me the beard of a frost giant scout so's I can make some more rope to tie ye up with."); } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { if ($signal == 1) { quest::settimer("ritap2", 2) } # shawl signal elsif($signal == 101) { quest::say("Arrrrrrrrrrr!"); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 30048 => 1)) { quest::say("Arg! By blubberbeards nostril! Ye'v done it!'"); quest::emote("He braids the beard together into a sturdy rope."); quest::say("Now take this here rope and tie yerself up! Come lets go tell the cap'n we've captured us some prisoners!"); quest::summonitem(30049); # Item: Tinkered Rope quest::faction(447, 30); # Faction: Pirates of Iceclad quest::exp(1000); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer eq "ritap1") { quest::stoptimer("ritap1"); my $x = $npc->GetX(); my $y = $npc->GetY(); my $z = $npc->GetZ(); my $h = $npc->GetHeading(); my $mobid = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(110052); if ($mobid) { my $mobnpc = $mobid->CastToNPC(); $mobnpc->SignalNPC(1); } else { my $ent = quest::spawn2(110052, 0, 0, $x-9, $y-1, $z, $h); # NPC: Ratop my $mob = $entity_list->GetMobID($ent); my $mobnpc = $mob->CastToNPC(); $mobnpc->SignalNPC(1); } } if ($timer eq "ritap2") { quest::stoptimer("ritap2"); quest::say("The cap'n said PIRATES! Not parrots, ye knucklehead!"); quest::emote("whacks the other raider upside the head."); quest::say("Now whar's the tinkered rope!?"); quest::settimer("ritap3", 2); } if ($timer eq "ritap3") { quest::stoptimer("ritap3"); my $mobid = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(110052); if ($mobid) { my $mobnpc = $mobid->CastToNPC(); $mobnpc->SignalNPC(2); } else { my $ent = quest::spawn2(110052, 0, 0, $x-9, $y-1, $z, $h); # NPC: Ratop my $mob = $entity_list->GetMobID($mobid); my $mobnpc = $mob->CastToNPC(); $mobnpc->SignalNPC(2); } } } # Quest by mystic414
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022