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Ergrez_Shortpaw.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# Animal Skin Armor # Cougarskin sleeves # Cougarskin Boots # Cougarskin Mask # Direwolf Fur Cloak # Direwolf Fur Mask # Created by Gonner # items: 30064, 30065, 30020, 30030, 13407, 30027, 30031, 30097, 30025, 30062, 25019, 30023, 30063, 30029 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/hail/i){ quest::emote("works at skinning and cleaning the raw furs around him."); } if($text=~/what armor/i){ quest::say("Many armors. All of animal hides from the islands. If you wanting armor then I can make for you. All I ask is you do me favor."); } if($text=~/what favor/i){ quest::say("Snowfangs in need of much help lately. Once we mighty but now weak. You help us get stronger. If you want armor of wolves or cougar then I need you bring twice as many materials. For each thing you wanting I need thing. Just tell me what furs you have and I tell you what I need."); } if($text=~/medium quality dire wolf fur/i){ quest::say("Good wolf fur I make you cloak. All it take for cloak is fur and skinning rock. I need two skinning rock though. I very low on rocks."); } if($text=~/low quality dire wolf fur/i){ quest::say("Bad fur I make into cap for head. Keep your small furless skull warm. You bring me two bark bindings for that. Bindings for sewing."); } #if($text=~/low quality cougarskin/i){ # Cougarskin Sleeves - Not in DB yet. #quest::say("More cat skin. You bring more meat but this time bring fatty walrus meat. Many gnolls need for winter fat. Keeps gnolls healthy."); #} if($text=~/medium quality cougarskin/i){ quest::say("Grrrrr. More cat. All I need for this is cutting shells. We not get them much but I need."); } if($text=~/high quality cougarskin/i){ quest::say("I not like making things of cat fur. Smells bad, hurts nose. You want me to work with that you bring food, lots of food. You bring me mammoth meats."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 30064 => 1, 30065 => 2)) { # Medium Quality Cougarskin, Cutting Shells quest::emote("works with the fur for awhile by skinning it and sewing it"); quest::summonitem(30020); # Cougarskin Boots } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 30030 => 1, 13407 => 2)) { # High Quality CougarSkin, Mammoth Meat quest::emote("works with the fur for awhile by skinning it and sewing it"); quest::summonitem(30027); # Cougarskin mask } #if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 30031 => 1, 30097 => 2)) { # low Quality CougarSkin, Fatty Walrus Meat #quest::emote("works with the fur for awhile by skinning it and sewing it"); #quest::summonitem(); # Cougarskin Sleeves - Not In DB yet #} if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 30025 => 1, 30062 => 2)) { # Medium Quality Dire wolf fur, Skinning Rock quest::emote("works with the fur for awhile by skinning it and sewing it"); quest::summonitem(25019); # Dire wolf-hide Cloak } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 30023 => 1, 30063 => 2)) { # High Quality Dire wolf fur, Bark Bindings quest::emote("works with the fur for awhile by skinning it and sewing it"); quest::summonitem(30029); # Dire wolf-hide hood } } #END of FILE zone:iceclad ID:110010 -- Ergrez_Shortpaw.pl
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022