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War_Trigger.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#BEGIN File: hollowshade/War_Trigger.pl (166257) #Quest file for Hollowshade Moor - Hollowshade War #This is an implementation of the Hollowshade War. # # key aspects: # # Random attacks occur based on a timer "RandomWar" # # PC's can initiate an attack by killing one of the camp named. # PHs and smaller named do not trigger an attack # # All invaders are indiff to PCs # # Attacker pathing isn't pretty. # # ATM, to win, all defenders must die and the invaders must reach a set point # and do this in 450 seconds. my $attacker = ""; my $attacker_id = 0; my $defender = ""; my $defender_id = 0; my $event = 0; my $winner = 0; my $defenders_down = 0; my $attackers_arrived = 0; my $takeover_in_progress = 0; my $RandomWar = plugin::RandomRange(720, 3600); my %HollowshadeRace = (1 => "Owlbears", 2 => "Sonic Wolves", 3 => "Grimlings"); my %Camp = (1 => "North", 2 => "East", 3 => "South"); my %DirectionalCamp = (1 => "northern caves", 2 => "eastern swamp", 3 => "southern shores"); my %AttackerText = ( "Owlbear" => "Somewhere in the distance, the Owlbear sharpen their claws on boulders. The unsettling scraping noise spreads to every corner of the moor.", "Sonic Wolves" => "Frenzied howling fills the air, the sound taking on every aspect of an angry wail. The sonic wolves are mounting an offensive.", "Grimlings" => "Hollowshade is abuzz with activity as the Grimlings make preparations to invade their enemy." ); my %DefenderText = ( 1 => "frantically prepare for the assault", 2 => "seem disoriented", 3 => "nervously scurry about" ); my %VictoryText = ( "Owlbear" => "The Owlbear chase off any remaining survivors as they lay claim to the ", "Sonic Wolves" => "Sonic wolves howl in celebration, having overrun the inhabitants of the ", "Grimlings" => "NEED GRIMLING VICTORY TEXT" ); sub EVENT_SPAWN { quest::setglobal("DeadDefenderCount", 0, 7, "F"); # how many quest::setglobal("WarDefender", "NOWAR", 7, "F"); # Who is defending. if (!defined($qglobals{HollowshadeNorth}) || !defined($qglobals{HollowshadeEast}) || !defined($qglobals{HollowshadeSouth})) { RESET_GLOBALS(); } RESET_ZONE(); } sub EVENT_TIMER { if (($timer eq "RandomWar") && ($event == 0)) { #Set WarDefender to keep a PC war from starting quest::setglobal("WarDefender","RANDOM", 7, "F"); # Who is defending. quest::stoptimer("RandomWar"); START_WAR("",""); } elsif ($timer eq "StartPCWar") { quest::stoptimer("StartPCWar"); # Event set the $attacker START_WAR($attacker, $defender); } elsif ($timer eq "ResetPause") { quest::stoptimer("ResetPause"); LOAD_SPAWNS(); } elsif ($timer eq "SpawnNewOwners") { quest::setglobal("WarDefender", "NOWAR", 7, "F"); # Who is defending. quest::stoptimer("SpawnNewOwners"); quest::depopall($attacker_id); quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, $winner, 1); if ($event == 0) { # If event not zero - we already emoted zone takeover. #quest::ze(15, "$HollowshadeRace{$qglobals{$attacker}} make themselves comfortable in $defender."); # Can spawn another random war if there are still multiple factions quest::settimer("RandomWar", $RandomWar); } $takeover_in_progress=0; } elsif ($timer eq "Attack") { #quest::ze(15, "The $HollowshadeRace{$qglobals{$defender}} have successfully defended $defender!"); quest::stoptimer("Attack"); quest::depopall($attacker_id); quest::depopall($defender_id); quest::settimer("RandomWar", $RandomWar); quest::setglobal("DeadDefenderCount", 0, 7, "F"); #Reset killed defender quest::setglobal("WarDefender", "NOWAR", 7, "F"); # Who is defending. } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { if ($signal == 1) { $defenders_down = 1; #quest::ze(15, "The $HollowshadeRace{$qglobals{$defender}} line of defense is down! The time is now to seize $defender!"); } if ($attackers_arrived==0 && $signal == 6) { $attackers_arrived = 1; #quest::ze(15, "The $HollowshadeRace{$qglobals{$attacker}} have penetrated deep into $defender defenses. Victory is near!"); } if (($qglobals{HollowshadeNorth} == $qglobals{HollowshadeEast}) && ($qglobals{HollowshadeNorth} == $qglobals{HollowshadeSouth})) { # Zone in conquered state, only listen to signal 5. if ($signal == 5) { #Boss Dead $event=0; RESET_GLOBALS(); quest::repopzone(); } } elsif ($takeover_in_progress == 0 && (($signal == 1 && $attackers_arrived==1) || ($signal == 6 && $defenders_down==1))) { $takeover_in_progress=1; quest::stoptimer("Attack"); quest::setglobal("DeadDefenderCount", 0, 7, "F"); # Reset to 0 if ($defender eq "HollowshadeNorth") { # North Camp Overrun #Despawn Loser quest::spawn_condition($zonesn,$qglobals{HollowshadeNorth},0); # Set Winner quest::setglobal("HollowshadeNorth",$qglobals{$attacker},0,"F"); $winner = $qglobals{$attacker}; if ($qglobals{HollowshadeEast} == $qglobals{HollowshadeSouth}) { TAKE_OVER($qglobals{$attacker}); } } if ($defender eq "HollowshadeEast") { # East Camp Overrun #Despawn Loser quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, $qglobals{HollowshadeEast} + 3, 0); # Set Winner quest::setglobal("HollowshadeEast", $qglobals{$attacker}, 0, "F"); $winner = $qglobals{$attacker}+3; if ($qglobals{HollowshadeNorth} == $qglobals{HollowshadeSouth}) { TAKE_OVER($qglobals{$attacker}); } } if ($defender eq "HollowshadeSouth") { # South Camp Overrun #Despawn Loser quest::spawn_condition($zonesn,$qglobals{HollowshadeSouth} + 6, 0); # Set Winner quest::setglobal("HollowshadeSouth", $qglobals{$attacker}, 0, "F"); $winner = $qglobals{$attacker} + 6; if ($qglobals{HollowshadeNorth} == $qglobals{HollowshadeEast}) { TAKE_OVER($qglobals{$attacker}); } } # Set a timer to spawn new owners. Gives PCs a chance to react. quest::settimer("SpawnNewOwners", 12); } elsif ($event==0 && $qglobals{WarDefender} eq "NOWAR" && $signal >= 2 && $signal <=4) { # No random war, PCs starting one. quest::stoptimer("RandomWar"); if ($signal == 2) { # North is weak. $defender="HollowshadeNorth"; if ($qglobals{HollowshadeNorth} == $qglobals{HollowshadeEast}) { # East has same race, send South to attack. $attacker="HollowshadeSouth"; } elsif ($qglobals{HollowshadeNorth} == $qglobals{HollowshadeSouth}) { # South has same race, send East to attack. $attacker="HollowshadeEast"; } else { # Pick a random attacker from E/S $attacker = quest::ChooseRandom("HollowshadeEast", "HollowshadeSouth"); } } elsif ($signal == 3) { # East is weak. $defender="HollowshadeEast"; if ($qglobals{HollowshadeEast} == $qglobals{HollowshadeNorth}) { # North has same race, send South to attack. $attacker="HollowshadeSouth"; } elsif ($qglobals{HollowshadeEast} == $qglobals{HollowshadeSouth}) { # South has same race, send North to attack. $attacker="HollowshadeNorth"; } else { # Pick a random attacker from N/S $attacker = quest::ChooseRandom("HollowshadeNorth","HollowshadeSouth"); } # Add line to cause War. } elsif ($signal == 4) { #South is weak. $defender="HollowshadeSouth"; if ($qglobals{HollowshadeSouth} == $qglobals{HollowshadeEast}) { # East has same race, send North to attack. $attacker="HollowshadeNorth"; } elsif ($qglobals{HollowshadeSouth} == $qglobals{HollowshadeNorth}) { # North has same race, send East to attack. $attacker="HollowshadeEast"; } else { # Pick a random attacker from E/N $attacker = quest::ChooseRandom("HollowshadeEast", "HollowshadeNorth"); } } #Trigger PC induced war. $attacker used by subroutine. quest::setglobal("WarDefender", $defender, 7, "F"); # Who is defending. quest::settimer("StartPCWar", 12); } elsif ($signal >= 2 && $signal <= 4 && $qglobals{WarDefender} ne "NOWAR") { #quest::ze(15,"The current invaders are undeterred in their course of action!"); } } sub RESET_GLOBALS { quest::setglobal("HollowshadeNorth", 1, 0, "F"); #Owlbear in the North quest::setglobal("HollowshadeEast", 2, 0, "F"); #Sonic Wolves in the East quest::setglobal("HollowshadeSouth", 3, 0, "F"); #Grimlings in the South } sub RESET_ZONE { #quest::ze(15, "Zone resetting now."); quest::setglobal("DeadDefenderCount", 0, 7, "F"); # how many dead $attacker = ""; $defender = ""; $takeover_in_progress=0; quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, 1, 0); quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, 2, 0); quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, 3, 0); quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, 4, 0); quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, 5, 0); quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, 6, 0); quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, 7, 0); quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, 8, 0); quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, 9, 0); quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, 11, 0); quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, 12, 0); quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, 13, 0); quest::settimer("ResetPause", 5); } sub LOAD_SPAWNS { quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, $qglobals{HollowshadeNorth} , 1); quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, $qglobals{HollowshadeEast} + 3, 1); quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, $qglobals{HollowshadeSouth} + 6, 1); quest::settimer("RandomWar", $RandomWar); } sub TAKE_OVER { local($champion); # Make local variables ($champion) = ($_[0]); # Assign values $event=1; #quest::ze(15, "The $HollowshadeRace{$champion} have taken over Hollowshade and march toward the Vah Shir camp."); #Notify the Vah Shir!! quest::signalwith(166078, 5, 1); # NPC: Guard_Kliknaw quest::signalwith(166079, 5, 1); # NPC: Guard_Rawkkun quest::signalwith(166080, 5, 1); # NPC: Sergeant_Tylah quest::signalwith(166081, 5, 1); # NPC: Rittuh_Purrik quest::signalwith(166082, 5, 1); # NPC: Tokk_Smippah quest::signalwith(166083, 5, 1); # NPC: Kerr_Tiparr quest::signalwith(166084, 5, 1); # NPC: Tolah_Rakknak # Spawn Appropriate named & his Crew quest::spawn_condition($zonesn, $champion+10 , 1); } sub START_WAR { local($aa, $dd); # Make local variables ($aa, $dd) = ($_[0], $_[1]); # Assign values quest::setglobal("DeadDefenderCount", 0, 7, "F"); # how many $defenders_down=0; $attackers_arrived=0; #quest::ze(15, "Calling for a WAR: A: $attacker D: $defender"); if ($aa eq "") { #Select attacker $attacker = quest::ChooseRandom("HollowshadeNorth", "HollowshadeEast", "HollowshadeSouth"); #quest::ze(15, "Random Attacker Selected for WAR: A: $attacker"); } if ($dd eq "") { #Select defender # First if N & E are allies if ($qglobals{HollowshadeNorth} == $qglobals{HollowshadeEast}) { if (($attacker eq "HollowshadeNorth") || ($attacker eq "HollowshadeEast")) { $defender = "HollowshadeSouth"; } else { $defender=quest::ChooseRandom("HollowshadeNorth","HollowshadeEast"); } } # Or if N & S are allies elsif ($qglobals{HollowshadeNorth} == $qglobals{HollowshadeSouth}) { if (($attacker eq "HollowshadeNorth") || ($attacker eq "HollowshadeSouth")) { $defender = "HollowshadeEast"; } else { $defender=quest::ChooseRandom("HollowshadeNorth", "HollowshadeSouth"); } } # Or if S & E are allies elsif ($qglobals{HollowshadeSouth} == $qglobals{HollowshadeEast}) { if (($attacker eq "HollowshadeEast") || ($attacker eq "HollowshadeSouth")) { $defender = "HollowshadeNorth"; } else { $defender=quest::ChooseRandom("HollowshadeEast","HollowshadeSouth"); } } # Or all are at war. else { if ($attacker eq "HollowshadeNorth") { $defender=quest::ChooseRandom("HollowshadeEast","HollowshadeSouth"); } elsif ($attacker eq "HollowshadeEast") { $defender=quest::ChooseRandom("HollowshadeNorth", "HollowshadeSouth"); } else { $defender=quest::ChooseRandom("HollowshadeNorth","HollowshadeEast"); } } #quest::ze(15, "Random Defender Selected for WAR: D: $attacker"); } quest::setglobal("WarDefender", $defender, 7, "F"); # Who is defending. #Spawn attackers if (($qglobals{$attacker} % 3) == 1) # North is 1,4,7 { $attacker_id = 166139; #a_furious_owlbear } elsif (($qglobals{$attacker} % 3) == 2) # North East 2,5,8 { $attacker_id = 166091; #a_sonic_fiend } else # South { $attacker_id = 166266; #a_grimling_invader } SPAWN_ARMY($attacker_id, $attacker,"A"); #Spawn defenders if (($qglobals{$defender} % 3) == 1) # North is 1,4,7 { $defender_id = 166242; #an_owlbear_defender } elsif (($qglobals{$defender} % 3) == 2) # South is 2,5,8 { $defender_id = 166264; #a_sonic_defender } else { $defender_id = 166279; #a_grimling_defender } SPAWN_ARMY($defender_id, $defender,"D"); #quest::ze(4, "$AttackerText{$HollowshadeRace{$qglobals{$attacker}}}"); #quest::ze(4, "$HollowshadeRace{$qglobals{$defender}} in $defender $DefenderText{$qglobals{$defender}}."); quest::settimer("Attack", 500); #Time Allotment } #Spawn a set of invaders or defenders. sub SPAWN_ARMY { local($npc, $location, $atype); # Make local variables ($npc, $location, $atype) = ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]); # Assign values if ($location eq "HollowshadeNorth") #spawn northern army { quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,1103,2134,137,364); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,1137,2109,143,356); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,1129,2166,143,374); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,1175,2175,170,344); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,1185,2121,167,360); if ($atype eq "A") { quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,1140,2191,170,344); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,1150,2098,165,360); } } elsif ($location eq "HollowshadeEast") #spawn eastern army { quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,-2704,541,46,78); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,-2730,592,48,120); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,-2714,571,47,114); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,-2747,498,51,86); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,-2719,514,46,130); if ($atype eq "A") { quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,-2738,590,50,100); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,-2709,555,50,92); } } else #spawn southern army { quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,-621,-2753,55,504); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,-602,-2764,60,484); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,-633,-2773,60,478); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,-644,-2794,68,508); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,-591,-2794,69,504); if ($atype eq "A") { quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,-611,-2760,61,480); quest::spawn2($npc,0,0,-600,-2780,61,502); } } } #END File: hollowshade/War_Trigger (166257)
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022