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a_spirit_of_the_ruins.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_AGGRO { my $mgender = $npc->GetBaseGender(); my $mclass = $npc->GetClass(); if($mlevel==45) { quest::say("You had best prepare yourself for the fury of the heretics!"); } if(($mclass==1) && ($mgender==0) && ($mlevel !=45)){ quest::emote("glares with soulful hatred at the invaders of the ruins."); } if(($mclass==3) && ($mgender==0) && ($mlevel !=45)){ quest::emote("aims to touch its victim with deadly harm."); } if(($mclass==3) && ($mgender==1) && ($mlevel !=45)){ quest::emote("awakens the magic it has not used for some time."); } if(($mclass==1) && ($mgender==1) && ($mlevel !=45)){ quest::emote("raises her spectral arms and attacks."); } } sub EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE { my $mgender = $npc->GetBaseGender(); my $mclass = $npc->GetClass(); if($mlevel==45) { quest::say("Even with my death, you will never take the city from us!"); } if(($mclass==1) && ($mgender==0) && ($mlevel !=45)){ quest::emote("shrieks as his hollow ghostly form falls gently to the ground."); } if(($mclass==3) && ($mgender==0) && ($mlevel !=45)){ quest::emote("comfortably laughs at his own impending death."); } if(($mclass==3) && ($mgender==1) && ($mlevel !=45)){ quest::emote("releases her mana and soul into the air around you."); } if(($mclass==1) && ($mgender==1) && ($mlevel !=45)){ quest::emote("looks dazed as her bound spirit escapes."); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022