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Polzin_Mrid.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# Test of Phanatsm - enchanter epic - start of quest # # items: 10604, 17861, 10638, 10613 sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Yes, young one?"); } if ($text=~/i am ready for the test of the phantasm/i) { quest::say("It will be simple, go collect these items and return them to me. Head of a serpent, essence of a ghost, essence of a vampire, and sands of the mystics. Do so and you will receive the last of the pieces. Be sure to combine them in a sack first. Just ask and I will provide you with one."); } if ($text=~/head of a serpent/i) { quest::say("Serpent is probably not an accurate term for what you must return to me. It is actaully the reminants of a spirit. The spirit is one which was erradicated long long ago by the Iksar. I believe they were called the Shissar. You may need to travel to the Iksar city to learn more about these creatures."); } if ($text=~/essence of a ghost/i) { quest::say("You don't have to look far to find roaming spirits. One in particular though has more meaning then the other sorry souls trapped here. You see, Kindle was a dear friend of mine. I came in search of him when he stopped writing. Well...look at me now. I fear that I have succumbed to the same fate as poor Kindle."); } if ($text=~/essence of a vampire/i) { quest::say("The essence of a vampire is just that. Only the most powerful of these creatures will possess what you need."); } if ($text=~/sands of the mystic/i) { quest::say("They are sands that were imbued with the magical might of the mystics. Mystics use a ritual involving their own blood to create a powerful bond with the sand. One will need to search the shores."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 10604 => 1)) { quest::say("Jeb has spoken with you already, excellent. Tell me are you ready for the test of the phantasm?"); quest::summonitem(10604); # Item: Jeb's Seal quest::summonitem(17861); # Item: Enchanters Sack } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 10638 => 1)) { quest::say("You have done well, take this last piece and return them to Jeb. He will be able to complete the final crafting."); quest::faction(404,30); # Faction: Truespirit quest::exp(100000); quest::summonitem(10613); # Item: 4th Piece of Staff } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } # EOF Zone: hole ID: 39063 NPC: Polzin_Mrid
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022