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maidens.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--[[ -- Halls of Honor - Maidens Trial -- NPCs involved: -- -- Room 1: -- 211060 Alekson_Garn -- 211076 A_Custodian_of_Marr_ -- 211077 #a_norrathian_maiden -- 211080 a_crazed_norrathian -- 211085 #Advocent_Joran -- -- Room 2: -- 211078 #a_norrathian_maiden_ -- 211082 #_a_crazed_norrathian -- 211084 #Halgoz_Rellinic -- -- Room 3: -- 211079 #_a_norathian_maiden -- 211083 a_crazed_norrathian_ -- 211086 #Freegan_Haan -- -- 202368 A_Planar_Projection -- --]] local counter = 0; local roomonemaid = 0; local roomtwomaid = 0; local roomthrmaid = 0; local roomonetrash = 0; local roomtwotrash = 0; local roomthrtrash = 0; local boss = 0; function CustodianDeath(e) roomonemaid = 0; roomtwomaid = 0; roomthrmaid = 0; roomonetrash = 0; roomtwotrash = 0; roomthrtrash = 0; boss = 0; --Maidens-- --ROOM 1 eq.spawn2(211077,0,0,-2468,-1725,-113,130); -- NPC: #a_norrathian_maiden eq.spawn2(211077,0,0,-2485,-1719,-113,0); -- NPC: #a_norrathian_maiden eq.spawn2(211077,0,0,-2485,-1739,-113,256); -- NPC: #a_norrathian_maiden --ROOM 2 eq.spawn2(211078,0,0,-3190,-1725,-113,130); -- NPC: #a_norrathian_maiden_ eq.spawn2(211078,0,0,-3172,-1740,-113,256); -- NPC: #a_norrathian_maiden_ eq.spawn2(211078,0,0,-3172,-1705,-113,0); -- NPC: #a_norrathian_maiden_ --ROOM 3 eq.spawn2(211079,0,0,-3172,-1097,-113,0); -- NPC: #_a_norrathian_maiden eq.spawn2(211079,0,0,-3201,-1130,-113,384); -- NPC: #_a_norrathian_maiden eq.spawn2(211079,0,0,-3151,-1129,-113,130); -- NPC: #_a_norrathian_maiden --MOBS-- --ROOM 1 TRASH eq.spawn2(211080,0,0,-2400,-1600,-113,320); -- NPC: a_crazed_norrathian eq.spawn2(211080,0,0,-2400,-1870,-113,462); -- NPC: a_crazed_norrathian eq.spawn2(211080,0,0,-2582,-1872,-113,41.2); -- NPC: a_crazed_norrathian eq.spawn2(211080,0,0,-2588,-1727,-113,462); -- NPC: a_crazed_norrathian eq.spawn2(211080,0,0,-2588,-1600,-113,41.2); -- NPC: a_crazed_norrathian --ROOM 2 TRASH eq.spawn2(211082,0,0,-3318,-1841,-113,26); -- NPC: #_a_crazed_norrathian eq.spawn2(211082,0,0,-3319,-1725,-113,130); -- NPC: #_a_crazed_norrathian eq.spawn2(211082,0,0,-3299,-1621,-113,41.2); -- NPC: #_a_crazed_norrathian eq.spawn2(211082,0,0,-3034,-1636,-113,346); -- NPC: #_a_crazed_norrathian eq.spawn2(211082,0,0,-3034,-1816,-113,316); -- needs_heading_validation --ROOM 3 TRASH eq.spawn2(211083,0,0,-3293,-1027,-113,172); -- NPC: a_crazed_norrathian_ eq.spawn2(211083,0,0,-3027,-1035,-113,130); -- NPC: a_crazed_norrathian_ eq.spawn2(211083,0,0,-3035,-1229,-113,434); -- NPC: a_crazed_norrathian_ eq.spawn2(211083,0,0,-3303,-1229,-113,346); -- NPC: a_crazed_norrathian_ eq.spawn2(211083,0,0,-3168,-1028,-113,316); -- needs_heading_validation end function RoomOneTrashDeath(e) roomonetrash = roomonetrash + 1; if ( roomonetrash == 5 and roomonemaid < 3 ) then eq.spawn2(211085,0,0,-2349,-1894,-113,466); -- NPC: #Advocent_Joran end end function RoomTwoTrashDeath(e) roomtwotrash = roomtwotrash + 1; if ( roomtwotrash == 5 and roomtwomaid < 3 ) then eq.spawn2(211084,0,0,-3337,-1617,-113,152.4); -- NPC: #Halgoz_Rellinic end end function RoomThreeTrashDeath(e) roomthrtrash = roomthrtrash + 1; if ( roomthrtrash == 5 and roomthrmaid < 3 ) then eq.spawn2(211086,0,0,-2996,-991,-113,306); -- NPC: #Freegan_Haun end end function RoomOneMaidenDeath(e) roomonemaid = roomonemaid + 1; -- If all the maidens in the room have died; the event has failed if ( roomonemaid == 3 ) then FailEvent(); end end function RoomTwoMaidenDeath(e) roomtwomaid = roomtwomaid + 1; -- If all the maidens in the room have died; the event has failed if ( roomtwomaid == 3 ) then FailEvent(); end end function RoomThreeMaidenDeath(e) roomthrmaid = roomthrmaid + 1; -- If all the maidens in the room have died; the event has failed if ( roomthrmaid == 3 ) then FailEvent(); end end function BossDeath(e) boss = boss + 1; if ( boss == 3 ) then eq.update_spawn_timer(44032,25920000000); --Alekson Garn 3 days on win eq.spawn2(202368,0,0, e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), e.self:GetHeading() ); -- NPC: A_Planar_Projection DespawnEventMobs(); end end function FailEvent() eq.update_spawn_timer(44032,8640000000); --Alekson Garn 24 hours on fail DespawnEventMobs(); end function TimerSpawn(e) eq.set_timer('maidens', 7200000); end function MaidensTimer(e) if ( e.timer == 'maidens' ) then FailEvent(); end end function DespawnEventMobs() eq.depop_all(211060); eq.depop_all(211077); eq.depop_all(211078); eq.depop_all(211079); eq.depop_all(211080); eq.depop_all(211082); eq.depop_all(211083); eq.depop_all(211084); eq.depop_all(211085); eq.depop_all(211086); end function AleksonSay(e) if (e.message:findi("hail")) then e.self:Say("Weakling! How dare you approach me. Access to Lord Marrs temple is reserved only for the honorable! You will never be [ready]..."); elseif (e.message:findi("ready")) then e.self:Say("Be warned, " .. e.other:GetName() .. ". If you believe you are ready, you will fail, even if you can kill Lord Marr's servants!"); eq.spawn2(211076, 0, 0, (e.self:GetX() - 50), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), e.self:GetHeading()); -- A_Custodian_of_Marr_ eq.depop_with_timer(); end end function event_encounter_load(e) -- register our NPC event hooks eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.say, 211060, AleksonSay); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.death_complete, 211076, CustodianDeath); -- Hook a timer to each of the mobs which could end up lingering around with -- this event. Custodian and the Named in each room; if they are up for -- 2hours; the event will despawn itself. The timers are discarded when -- each mob dies; So when the Custodian dies his timer is discarded for the -- purpose of the Event there will be 2hours once the first named spawns till -- the Event cleans itself up. eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.spawn, 211076, SpawnTimer); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.timer, 211076, MaidensTimer); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.spawn, 211084, SpawnTimer); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.timer, 211084, MaidensTimer); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.spawn, 211085, SpawnTimer); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.timer, 211085, MaidensTimer); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.spawn, 211086, SpawnTimer); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.timer, 211086, MaidensTimer); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.death_complete, 211080, RoomOneTrashDeath); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.death_complete, 211082, RoomTwoTrashDeath); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.death_complete, 211083, RoomThreeTrashDeath); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.death_complete, 211077, RoomOneMaidenDeath); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.death_complete, 211078, RoomTwoMaidenDeath); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.death_complete, 211079, RoomThreeMaidenDeath); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.death_complete, 211084, BossDeath); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.death_complete, 211085, BossDeath); eq.register_npc_event("maidens", Event.death_complete, 211086, BossDeath); end function event_encounter_unload(e) DespawnEventMobs(); end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022