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#Napoleon_.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 85064, 85068, 85065, 85063, 85066, 85067 sub EVENT_SPAWN { quest::say("Alright already!"); quest::settimer(1,300); } sub EVENT_SAY { if(quest::istaskactivityactive(222,10)) { if($text=~/Hail/i) { $pcpvp = $client->GetPVP(); my $newzone_napoleon = plugin::GetRandomFreeLocation(0,40); my $npcid = 999100; quest::say("Sprocket is your next target."); quest::updatetaskactivity(222,10); if($qglobals{halloween_ratter_complete} < 10){ quest::summonitem(quest::ChooseRandom(85064,85068,85065,85063,85066,85067),10); # Item(s): Caramel-Coated Candy Apple (85064), Delicious Pumpkin Bread (85068), Sweetened Gummy Bears (85065), Tasty Sugar Pop (85063), Sweetened Rock Candy (85066), Haunted Candy Apples (85067) quest::setglobal("halloween_ratter_complete",10,5,"D30"); } if($qglobals{halloween_ratter_complete} > 9){ $client->Message(0, "You have already claimed a reward for this activity or a higher and do not qualify for another."); } if($qglobals{halloween_ratter_complete_pvp} < 10 && $pcpvp == 1){ quest::summonitem(quest::ChooseRandom(85064,85068,85065,85063,85066,85067),10); # Item(s): Caramel-Coated Candy Apple (85064), Delicious Pumpkin Bread (85068), Sweetened Gummy Bears (85065), Tasty Sugar Pop (85063), Sweetened Rock Candy (85066), Haunted Candy Apples (85067) quest::setglobal("halloween_ratter_complete_pvp",10,5,"D30"); } if(qglobals{halloween_ratter_complete_pvp} > 9 && $pcpvp == 1){ $client->Message(0, "You have already claimed a PVP reward for this activity or a higher and do not qualify for another."); } quest::targlobal("halloween_ratter_napoleon",$newzone_napoleon,"F",0,0,0); quest::signalwith($npcid,2); quest::delglobal("halloween_lock_napoleon"); quest::depop(); } } } sub EVENT_TIMER { quest::stoptimer(1); my $newzone_napoleon = plugin::GetRandomFreeLocation(0,40); my $npcid = 999100; quest::signalwith($npcid,2); quest::targlobal("halloween_ratter_napoleon",$newzone_napoleon,"F",0,0,0); quest::delglobal("halloween_lock_napoleon"); quest::depop(); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022