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guke.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--Scout_Mainil (249000) --Scout_Granos (249001) --Executioner_Gimdk (249078) --Energy_Focus (249077) --Matter_Focus (249079) --Spirit_Focus (249082) --#Chest_of_the_Foci (249075) --#The_Slimy_Chest_of_the_Witness (249076) --#Gimdk`s_chest (249234) --The_First_Witness (249083) local event_started=false; local exec_position=1; local exec_chest=false; local mwp10=false; local mwp20=false; local mwp27=false; local mwp33=false; local mwp36=false; local gwp33=false; local gwp35=false; function Mainil_Spawn(e) e.self:PauseWandering(3); eq.set_timer("pause_wander",1000); eq.set_timer("auto_start", 1000); end function Granos_Spawn(e) e.self:PauseWandering(3); eq.set_timer("pause_wander",1000); end function Mainil_Say(e) if(e.message:findi("hail")) then if event_started==false then e.self:Say("Greetings friend, thank you for making such haste to get here. The situation is worse than we feared. Not only is the First Witness attempting to complete his spell, he has minions that he is sending to the outside. He is hoping that by assaulting Gukta he will distract us. My friend here will help you guard the exit, please ensure that nothing happens to him. I'll be talking half of you with me, so we can assess the situation. As soon as I have a better idea of what is going on, I will pass on more instructions to you. When you are [" .. eq.say_link("ready",false,"ready") .. "] please let me know, and we shall be off."); else e.self:Say("If you need me to [" .. eq.say_link("wait",false,"wait") .. "] then let me know"); end elseif(e.message:findi("ready") and event_started==false) then event_started=true; e.self:Say("Ok, half of you please accompany me while we scout ahead. Granos, I will let you know when I know more."); eq.stop_timer("pause_wander"); elseif(e.message:findi("wait") and event_started==true) then e.self:PauseWandering(30); e.self:Say("Very well, we can wait here a moment."); end end function Granos_Say(e) if(e.message:findi("hail")) then if event_started==false then e.self:Say("Greetings, it is good that you came to assist us. We cannot allow the First Witness of Hate to complete his spell. Half of you are going to have to go ahead with my companion, while the other half are going to need to wait here with me. We suspect that the First Witness will attempt to send a force here as a diversion. We will be able to catch up with them soon"); else e.self:Say("'Now is not the time to talk, there is fighting to be done!'"); end end end function Granos_Timer(e) if e.timer=="pause_wander" then e.self:PauseWandering(3); end end function Granos_Signal(e) if e.signal==1 then e.self:Say("It appears as though the assault is starting. Prepare yourselves."); elseif e.signal==2 then eq.stop_timer("pause_wander"); end end function Mainil_Timer(e) if e.timer=="adds_on_granos" then eq.spawn2(249053,0,0,620.24,-1027.12,75.66,128):AddToHateList(eq.get_entity_list():GetNPCByNPCTypeID(249001),1); -- NPC: a_blade_of_the_First eq.spawn2(249090,0,0,620.54,-1039.19,74.15,112):AddToHateList(eq.get_entity_list():GetNPCByNPCTypeID(249001),1); -- NPC: a_blade_of_the_First elseif e.timer=="pause_wander" then e.self:PauseWandering(3); elseif e.timer=="finish_note" then e.self:Emote("finishes scrawling his note, and leans over to listen to the ground. 'It sounds as though the assault on your companions has ended, Grannos should be moving in this direction soon. We'll be off in just a moment. I am curious as to what lies ahead.'"); eq.stop_timer("finish_note"); eq.signal(249001,2); -- NPC: Scout_Granos elseif e.timer=="auto_start" then local now_clients = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientList(); for client in now_clients.entries do if (client.valid and e.self:CalculateDistance(client:GetX(), client:GetY(), client:GetZ()) >150) then eq.debug("player > 150 dist, starting event"); event_started=true; e.self:Say("Ok, half of you please accompany me while we scout ahead. Granos, I will let you know when I know more."); eq.stop_timer("pause_wander"); eq.stop_timer("auto_start"); break; end end end end function Mainil_Waypoint_Arrive(e) eq.debug("mainil wp: " .. e.wp); if (e.wp == 10) then if mwp10 ==false then mwp10=true; e.self:Say("It sounds as though the assault has begun. I hope that Granos and your companions can hold the entrance.' He then studies the ground, 'It appears as though we are on the right track. We are making excellent time so far."); eq.set_timer("adds_on_granos",60*1000); --60 eq.signal(249001,1) end elseif (e.wp == 20) then if mwp20 ==false then mwp20=true; eq.debug("at wp 20- emote"); e.self:Say("Hmm, this is very unusual. There seems to be a second path leading off to the North. It appears as though someone may be assisting the first witness. I will need to follow this second set of prints to investigate further.' He then scratches a note into the boulder before him with instructions for his partner."); eq.zone_emote(1,"The scout appears to no longer need your protection."); e.self:ModifyNPCStat("hp_regen", "4000"); e.self:ModifyNPCStat("ac", "1000"); e.self:PauseWandering(30); eq.set_timer("finish_note",25*1000); eq.stop_timer("adds_on_granos"); end elseif (e.wp == 27) then if mwp27 ==false then mwp27=true; e.self:Emote("glances casually at the tainted water as he wades effortlessly through the murky liquid. The torchlight illuminates the dark pool, giving it a forbidding green glow."); end elseif (e.wp == 33) then if mwp33 ==false then mwp33=true; eq.zone_emote(1,"The smell of death is carried heavy on a wind from the South. An unnatural chill sets the hairs on the back of your neck on end. Scout Mainlil looks uncomfortable for a moment, 'As much as it pains me, we must head South. Something tells me there is more than we expected at work.'"); end elseif (e.wp == 36) then --executioner if mwp36==false then mwp36=true; eq.debug("at wp 36- spawn exec"); e.self:Say("This is worse than I feared. The Executioner is feeding those souls to the Cauldron to assist the First Witness. I fear that your friends may have more to deal with than just those that are assisting with his spell. It appears the Executioner is protected by the same magic that guards the First Witness of Hate. All we will be able to do is stem the flow of Souls from this place, aside from that, your friends will be on their own."); eq.spawn2(249078,0,0,512.5,521.6,-107.87,256); --Executioner_Gimdk e.self:MoveTo(508.73,433.41,-107.87,0,true); e.self:PauseWandering(86400); e.self:StopWandering(); e.self:SetWaypointPause(); end end; end; function Granos_Waypoint_Arrive(e) eq.debug("gran wp: " .. e.wp); if (e.wp==21) then if gwp21==false then gwp21=true; e.self:PauseWandering(5); e.self:Emote("reads the note scratched into the rock. 'Mainil left us instructions to head East, he is going to explore what lies North. He believes we should find the First Witness in that direction. Let us not dally, he is getting stronger as we speak!"); end elseif (e.wp==30) then if gwp33==false then gwp33=true; eq.debug("at wp 33- spawn dudes"); eq.spawn2(249083,0,0,154.03,681.46,-17.09,256); --First Witness 154.03,681.46,-17.09 eq.spawn2(249077,0,0,153.7,663.2,-38.87,256); --Energy eq.spawn2(249079,0,0,192.32,729,-23.87,128); --Matter eq.spawn2(249082,0,0,117.15,729,-23.87,384); --Spirit end elseif (e.wp == 35) then if gwp35==false then gwp35=true; eq.debug("at wp 35- emote"); e.self:Say("There are the foci. They must be destroyed before he completes his spell, or his power will increase tenfold."); e.self:MoveTo(e.self:GetX(),e.self:GetY(),e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading(),true); e.self:PauseWandering(86400); e.self:StopWandering(); e.self:SetWaypointPause(); end end end function Executioner_Spawn(e) eq.debug("exec spawn"); e.self:MoveTo(468.64,533.62,-107.87,192,true); eq.set_timer("spawn_adds",20*1000); exec_position=1; end function Executioner_Timer(e) eq.debug("exec timer, position: " .. exec_position); --468.64,533.62,-107.87,192 NE --468.64,480.02,-107.87,192 ME --469.13,424.62,-107.87,192 SE --545.11,424.86,-107.87 64 SW --547.11,480.10,-107.87 64 MW --547.01,534.10,-107.87 64 NW if e.timer=="move_adds" then if exec_position==1 then --ne e.self:MoveTo(547.11,480.10,-107.87, 64,true); --mw exec_position=2; elseif exec_position==2 then --mw e.self:MoveTo(469.13,424.62,-107.87,192,true); --se exec_position=3; elseif exec_position==3 then--se e.self:MoveTo(545.11,424.86,-107.87 ,64,true); --sw exec_position=4; elseif exec_position==4 then--sw e.self:MoveTo(468.64,480.02,-107.87,192,true); --me exec_position=5; elseif exec_position==5 then--me e.self:MoveTo(547.01,534.10,-107.87, 64,true); --nw exec_position=6; elseif exec_position==6 then--nw e.self:MoveTo(468.64,533.62,-107.87,192,true); --ne exec_position=1; end eq.stop_timer("move_adds"); eq.set_timer("spawn_adds",20*1000); elseif e.timer=="spawn_adds" then eq.debug("exec spawn add"); if e.self:GetHeading()==64 then eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(249152,249154,249157,249161,249164,249169,249178,249183),0,0,e.self:GetX()+20,e.self:GetY(),e.self:GetZ(),192); -- NPC(s): a_risen_acolyte (249152), a_risen_champion (249154), a_risen_death_knight (249157), a_risen_deceiver (249161), a_risen_fire_caller (249164), a_risen_partisan (249169), a_risen_stalker (249178), a_risen_witch_doctor (249183) else eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(249152,249154,249157,249161,249164,249169,249178,249183),0,0,e.self:GetX()-20,e.self:GetY(),e.self:GetZ(),64); -- NPC(s): a_risen_acolyte (249152), a_risen_champion (249154), a_risen_death_knight (249157), a_risen_deceiver (249161), a_risen_fire_caller (249164), a_risen_partisan (249169), a_risen_stalker (249178), a_risen_witch_doctor (249183) end e.self:DoAnim(42); e.self:Emote("focuses his attention on a new Risen, 'The Cauldron shall feast on your essence!"); eq.stop_timer("spawn_adds"); eq.set_timer("move_adds",10*1000); end end function Executioner_Signal(e) eq.debug("exec signal"); if e.signal==1 then e.self:SetSpecialAbility(19, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(20, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(24, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(25, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(35, 0); e.self:AddToHateList(eq.get_entity_list():GetNPCByNPCTypeID(249000),1); eq.stop_timer("spawn_adds"); eq.stop_timer("move_adds"); end end function First_Signal(e) eq.debug("first signal"); if e.signal==1 then e.self:SetSpecialAbility(19, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(20, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(24, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(25, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(35, 0); e.self:CameraEffect(1000,6); eq.zone_emote(13,"As the last Focus blinks lifelessly, the room trembles. The First Witness screams as his shield of protection fails, 'Infidels! I was so close! You shall die!'"); end end function Executioner_Combat(e) if e.joined==true then e.self:Say("Come to me, your execution will empower the First Witness."); end end function Executioner_Death(e) local el=eq.get_entity_list(); if (el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(249000) == true and el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(249001) == true) then exec_chest=true; eq.zone_emote(15,"Your victory has weakened a shroud of magic cloaking the dungeon's treasure."); end end function Risen_Spawn(e) eq.set_timer("depop",30*1000); eq.set_timer("aggro_scout",5*1000); end function Risen_Timer(e) if e.timer=="depop" then eq.spawn2(249128,58,0,508.73,433.41,-107.87,0); -- NPC: a_malicious_force eq.zone_emote(3,"The Risen before the Executioner explodes, leaving a small bit of dancing energy where it once stood."); eq.depop(); elseif e.timer=="aggro_scout" then e.self:AddToHateList(eq.get_entity_list():GetNPCByNPCTypeID(249000),1); eq.stop_timer("aggro_scout"); end end function Wisp_Waypoint_Arrive(e) eq.debug("wisp wp: " .. e.wp); if (e.wp == 35) then eq.zone_emote(15,"The flames roar with angry heat as the Cauldron consumes the soul."); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(249011,249061,249053,249056,249070,249142),0,0,153.2,673.4,-38.87,256); -- NPC(s): an_acolyte_of_the_First (249011), an_ice_caller_of_the_First (249061), a_blade_of_the_First (249053), a_caller_of_the_First (249056), a_fist_of_the_First (249070), a_protector_of_the_First_Witness (249142) eq.depop(); end end function FocusE_Combat(e) if e.joined==true then eq.set_timer("focus",math.random(3,15)*1000); --Blurring Focus 48s 4123 eq.set_timer("vortex",math.random(3,15)*1000); -- Life Vortex 48s 4122 else eq.stop_timer("focus"); eq.stop_timer("vortex"); end end function FocusE_Timer(e) if e.timer=="focus" then e.self:CastSpell(4123,e.self:GetHateRandom():GetID()); -- Spell: Blurring Focus eq.set_timer("focus",48*1000); elseif e.timer=="vortex" then e.self:CastSpell(4122,e.self:GetHateRandom():GetID()); -- Spell: Life Vortex eq.set_timer("vortex",48*1000); end end function FocusM_Combat(e) if e.joined==true then eq.set_timer("ess",math.random(1,3)*1000) --Everlasting Essence 10s 4124 eq.set_timer("swirl",math.random(3,15)*1000) -- Swirling Matter 48s 4121 else eq.stop_timer("ess"); eq.stop_timer("swirl"); end end function FocusM_Timer(e) if e.timer=="ess" then e.self:CastSpell(4124,e.self:GetHateRandom():GetID()); -- Spell: Everlasting Essence eq.set_timer("ess",10*1000); elseif e.timer=="swirl" then e.self:CastSpell(4121,e.self:GetHateRandom():GetID()); -- Spell: Swirling Matter eq.set_timer("swirl",48*1000); end end function FocusS_Combat(e) if e.joined==true then eq.set_timer("mass",math.random(1,3)*1000) -- Infinite Mass 4125 else eq.stop_timer("mass"); end end function FocusS_Timer(e) if e.timer=="mass" then e.self:CastSpell(4125,e.self:GetHateRandom():GetID()); -- Spell: Infinite Mass eq.set_timer("mass",48*1000); end end function Focus_Death(e) local el=eq.get_entity_list(); if (el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(249077) == false and el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(249079) == false and el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(249082) == false) then eq.zone_emote(15,"Your victory has weakened a shroud of magic cloaking the dungeon's treasure."); eq.signal(249083,1); --wake first witness eq.signal(249078,1); --make executioner attackable end end function First_Death(e) local el=eq.get_entity_list(); if (el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(249000) == true and el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(249001) == true) then eq.zone_emote(13,"The First Witness screams silently as his magic fails. You feel a wave of hate wash over you, as a voice whispers in your head, 'There will always be a First. You have not won.'"); eq.zone_emote(15,"Your victory has weakened a shroud of magic cloaking the dungeon's treasure."); if exec_chest==true then eq.spawn2(249234,0,0,169.36,681.64,-16.87,384); --#Gimdk`s_chest (249234) end eq.spawn2(249075,0,0,138.56,681.64,-16.87,128); --#Chest_of_the_Foci (249075) eq.spawn2(249076,0,0,153.5,660.5,-38.87,256); --#The_Slimy_Chest_of_the_Witness (249076) local dz = eq.get_expedition() if dz.valid then dz:AddReplayLockout(eq.seconds("4d12h")) end end end function event_encounter_load(e) eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.say, 249000, Mainil_Say); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.say, 249001, Granos_Say); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.timer, 249000, Mainil_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.timer, 249001, Granos_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.spawn, 249000, Mainil_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.spawn, 249001, Granos_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.signal, 249001, Granos_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.waypoint_arrive, 249000, Mainil_Waypoint_Arrive); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.waypoint_arrive, 249001, Granos_Waypoint_Arrive); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.spawn, 249078, Executioner_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.timer, 249078, Executioner_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.signal, 249078, Executioner_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.combat, 249078, Executioner_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.death_complete, 249078, Executioner_Death); --249152,249154,249157,249161,249164,249169,249178,249183 eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.spawn, 249152, Risen_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.timer, 249152, Risen_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.spawn, 249154, Risen_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.timer, 249154, Risen_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.spawn, 249157, Risen_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.timer, 249157, Risen_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.spawn, 249161, Risen_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.timer, 249161, Risen_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.spawn, 249164, Risen_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.timer, 249164, Risen_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.spawn, 249169, Risen_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.timer, 249169, Risen_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.spawn, 249178, Risen_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.timer, 249178, Risen_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.spawn, 249183, Risen_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.timer, 249183, Risen_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.waypoint_arrive, 249128, Wisp_Waypoint_Arrive); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.timer, 249077, FocusE_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.combat, 249077, FocusE_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.death_complete, 249077, Focus_Death); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.timer, 249079, FocusM_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.combat, 249079, FocusM_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.death_complete, 249079, Focus_Death); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.timer, 249082, FocusS_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.combat, 249082, FocusS_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.death_complete, 249082, Focus_Death); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.signal, 249083, First_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('guke', Event.death_complete, 249083, First_Death); end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022