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Captain_Necin.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i){ quest::say("Hello, $name. I'm looking for an accomplished soldier to help me carry out a very dangerous mission. If you know of one please have them report to me at once."); } if($text=~/i am a soldier/i){ quest::say("Very well, acquire a chest of valor and fill it with the medals you receive from scouts Husma, Danarin, and Derin. Give me the resulting soldier's chest and I will reveal the details of my mission."); } if($text=~/i am an accomplished soldier/i){ quest::say("Very well, acquire a chest of valor and fill it with the medals you receive from scouts Husman, Danarin, and Derin. Give me the resulting soldier's chest and I will reveal the details of my mission."); } if($text=~/what accomplished soldier/i){ quest::say("Very well, acquire a chest of valor and fill it with the medals you receive from scouts Husman, Danarin, and Derin. Give me the resulting soldier's chest and I will reveal the details of my mission."); } } #END of FILE Zone:grimling ID:167131 -- Captain_Necin
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022