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2854.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# Script for setting a cap on Growth spells %RaceSizes = ( 1 => 6, # Human 2 => 8, # Barbarian 3 => 6, # Erudite 4 => 5, # Wood Elf 5 => 5, # High Elf 6 => 5, # Dark Elf 7 => 5, # Half Elf 8 => 4, # Dwarf 9 => 9, # Troll 10 => 9, # Ogre 11 => 3, # Halfling 12 => 3, # Gnome 128 => 6, # Iksar 130 => 6, # Vah Shir 330 => 5, # Froglok 522 => 6, # Drakkin ); # Sub to handle the growth limits so it doesn't have to be repeated multiple times sub DoGrowth { my $Mob = $_[0]; # This is the Mob that was passed into the sub my $CurSize = $Mob->GetSize(); if (!$CurSize) { $CurSize = 6; } my $CurRace = $Mob->GetRace(); my $BaseSize = $RaceSizes{$CurRace}; if (!$BaseSize) { $BaseSize = 6; } if ($CurSize < $BaseSize + 5) { $Mob->ChangeSize($CurSize + 1); } } sub EVENT_SPELL_EFFECT_CLIENT { my $ClientID = $entity_list->GetClientByID($caster_id); if ($ClientID) { $ClientTarget = $ClientID->GetTarget(); if ($ClientTarget) { DoGrowth($ClientTarget); } else { DoGrowth($ClientID); } } } sub EVENT_SPELL_EFFECT_NPC { my $NPCID = $entity_list->GetMobByID($caster_id); if ($NPCID) { $NPCTarget = $NPCID->GetTarget(); if ($NPCTarget) { DoGrowth($NPCTarget); } else { DoGrowth($NPCID); } } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022