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11575.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#Pie Throw used in Halloween quest Toxxulia Pie Fling on scarecrows sub EVENT_SPELL_EFFECT_NPC { $random_result = int(rand(10)); $Client_ = $entity_list->GetClientByID($caster_id); $NPCTypeID = $npc->GetNPCTypeID(); $PRace = $Client_->GetRace(); if($PRace == 82){ if($NPCTypeID == 38175 || $NPCTypeID == 38176 || $NPCTypeID == 38177){ if($random_result > 3) { $Client_->Message(0,"SPLAT! Your victim is covered in a warm gooey squash pie."); $Client_->SignalClient($Client_, 666); $npc->Kill(); } else { $Client_->Message(0,"Your pie misses, and your target prepares to return fire! A squash pie is flung at you, run away to dodge it!"); $npc->CastSpell(11575,$caster_id); # Spell: Throw Pie $npc->FaceTarget($Client_); } } elsif($NPCTypeID == 202387){ $Client_->Message(0,"SPLAT! Your victim is covered in a warm gooey squash pie."); $npc->CastSpell(11575,$caster_id); # Spell: Throw Pie $npc->FaceTarget($Client_); quest::signal(202387); } else { $npc->BuffFadeBySpellID(11575); } } else { $Client_->Message(0,"You must be in costume before you can throw pies!"); $npc->BuffFadeBySpellID(11575); } } sub EVENT_SPELL_EFFECT_CLIENT { $Caster = $entity_list->GetClientByID($caster_id); $TZone = $client->GetZoneID(); $TRace = $client->GetRace(); if(!$Caster){ $client->Message(0,"SPLAT! You are covered in warm gooey squash pie, better go clean up!"); $client->SignalClient($client, 667); } else { $PRace = $Caster->GetRace(); if($PRace == 82){ if($TRace == 82){ if($TZone == 38){ $client->Message(0,"SPLAT! You are covered in warm gooey squash pie, better go clean up!"); $client->SignalClient($client, 667); $Caster->Message(0,"SPLAT! Your victim is covered in a warm gooey squash pie."); $Caster->SignalClient($Caster, 666); } else { $Caster->Message(0,"SPLAT! Your victim is covered in a warm gooey squash pie."); $client->Message(0,"SPLAT! You are covered in warm gooey squash pie, better go clean up!"); } } else { $Caster->Message(0,"Your target is not in costume so you cannot throw a pie at them!"); $client->BuffFadeBySpellID(11575); } } else { $Caster->Message(0,"You must be in costume before you can throw pies!"); $client->BuffFadeBySpellID(11575); } } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022