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LLDAugText.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_SCALE_CALC { # max power values # guk 7, mir 7, mmc 8, ruj 8, tak 8 # each theme accounts for 20% of the charm stats # 1-5 are each 2% of the full stats of the charm # All the 6-? together make up the other 50% of the stats my $charge = 5; if (defined $qglobals{GUKpower}) { if ($qglobals{GUKpower} <= 5) { $charge += $qglobals{GUKpower} * 20; } elsif ($qglobals{GUKpower} >= 7) { $charge += 200; } else { $charge += 150; } } if (defined $qglobals{MIRpower}) { if ($qglobals{MIRpower} <= 5) { $charge += $qglobals{MIRpower} * 20; } elsif ($qglobals{MIRpower} >= 7) { $charge += 200; } else { $charge += 150; } } if (defined $qglobals{MMCpower}) { if ($qglobals{MMCpower} <= 5) { $charge += $qglobals{MMCpower} * 20; } elsif ($qglobals{MMCpower} >= 8) { $charge += 200; } else { # 6 or 7 $charge += 100 + (($qglobals{MMCpower} - 5) * 40) } } if (defined $qglobals{RUJpower}) { if ($qglobals{RUJpower} <= 5) { $charge += $qglobals{RUJpower} * 20; } elsif ($qglobals{RUJpower} >= 8) { $charge += 200; } else { # 6 or 7 $charge += 100 + (($qglobals{RUJpower} - 5) * 40) } } if (defined $qglobals{TAKpower}) { if ($qglobals{TAKpower} <= 5) { $charge += $qglobals{TAKpower} * 20; } elsif ($qglobals{TAKpower} >= 8) { $charge += 200; } else { # 6 or 7 $charge += 100 + (($qglobals{TAKpower} - 5) * 40) } } $questitem->SetScale($charge/1000); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022