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a_steadfast_servant.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# # Steadfast Servant Veteran AA $HPThreshold = 50; # HP Threshold at which HoT will be cast. $Frequency = 35; # Frequency in seconds with which the EVENT_TIMER is executed. $Range = 100; # How close a player must be for a chance to be buffed. @ManaRegenSpells = (697, 174, 1693, 6898); # Breeze, Clarity, Clarity II, Servant's Breath @HasteSpells = (10, 170, 171, 172); # Augmentation, Alacrity, Celerity, Swift like the wind @HoTSpells = (2502, 2175, 1283, 1522); # Celestial Remedy, Health, Cleansing, Elixir @ACSpells = (18, 19, 20, 3470); # Guard, Armor of Faith, Shield of Words, Ward of Gallantry sub EVENT_SPAWN { quest::settimer("RandomAction", $Frequency); } sub EVENT_TIMER { # First we find our owner and see if is in range and in need of any buffs. # $OwnerID = $npc->GetFollowID(); if($OwnerID <= 0) { return; } $Owner = $entity_list->GetClientByID($OwnerID); if($Owner) { $x = $Owner->GetX(); $y = $Owner->GetY(); $z = $Owner->GetZ(); $Distance = $npc->CalculateDistance($x, $y, $z); if($Distance < $Range) { if(BuffPlayer($Owner)) { # We cast a buff on our owner, so we are done for this cycle. return; } } } # Our owner didn't need any buffs, so look for someone else within range. # $c = $entity_list->GetRandomClient($x, $y, $z, $Range, $Owner); if(!$c) { return; } BuffPlayer($c); } sub BuffPlayer { $c = $_[0]; if($c) { $ClientID = $c->GetID(); $HPRatio = ($c->GetHP() / $c->GetMaxHP()) * 100; $Level = $c->GetLevel(); if($Level < 15) { $SpellSet = 0; } elsif($Level < 30) { $SpellSet = 1; } elsif($Level < 50) { $SpellSet = 2; } else { $SpellSet = 3; } $ManaRegenSpell = $ManaRegenSpells[$SpellSet]; $HasteSpell = $HasteSpells[$SpellSet]; $HoTSpell = $HoTSpells[$SpellSet]; $ACSpell = $ACSpells[$SpellSet]; if($HPRatio <= $HPThreshold) { # Check if the player already has our HoT spell on. # $Slot = $c->FindBuff($HoTSpell); if(!$Slot) { if($c->CanBuffStack($HoTSpell, $npc->GetLevel(), True) >= 0) { $npc->FaceTarget($c); $npc->CastSpell($HoTSpell, $ClientID); return 1; } } } # Next the mana regen buff. Only cast this if the player uses mana. # if($c->GetMaxMana() > 0) { $Slot = $c->FindBuff($ManaRegenSpell); if(!$Slot) { if($c->CanBuffStack($ManaRegenSpell, $npc->GetLevel(), True) >= 0) { $npc->FaceTarget($c); $npc->CastSpell($ManaRegenSpell, $ClientID); return 1; } } } # Finally, see if they need our Haste or AC buff. # @Buffs = ($HasteSpell, $ACSpell); foreach $Spell (@Buffs) { $Slot = $c->FindBuff($Spell); if(!$Slot) { if($c->CanBuffStack($Spell, $npc->GetLevel(), True) >= 0) { $npc->FaceTarget($c); $npc->CastSpell($Spell, $ClientID); return 1; } } } } return 0; }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022