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a_jester_of_bristlebane.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# quests/templates/a_jester_of_bristlebane.pl # # Quest file for Chaotic Jester Veteran AA # # The GetRandomClient code posted by Kayen on EQEmu forums. # # items: 64046, 64047, 64044, 64045 sub GetRandomClient { my $ListCheck = 0; my $LastClient = 0; for ($ListCheck = 0; $ListCheck < 2000; $ListCheck++) { $ClientSearch = $entity_list->GetClientByID($ListCheck); if ($ClientSearch) { my $DistanceCheck = $ClientSearch->CalculateDistance($x, $y, $z); if ($DistanceCheck <= 100) { my $ChooseClient = quest::ChooseRandom(1,2); if ($ChooseClient == 2) { return $ClientSearch->GetID(); } else { $LastClient = $ClientSearch; } } } } return $npc->GetFollowID(); } sub EVENT_SPAWN { quest::settimer("RandomAction", 30); quest::settimer("Depop", 900); } sub EVENT_TIMER { if($timer eq "Depop") { quest::depop(); } my $action = quest::ChooseRandom(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14); if($action == 1) { $ClientID = GetRandomClient(); if($ClientID > 0) { $c = $entity_list->GetClientByID($ClientID); if($c) { quest::say("How about a little wine to quench your thirst?"); $c->SummonItem(quest::ChooseRandom(64046, 64047), 10); # Item(s): Bristlebane's Wine (64046) } } } elsif($action == 2) { quest::say("I used to work nights as an entertainer for Fennin Ro. . .then he fired me."); } elsif($action == 3) { quest::say("My puns seem to get worse the older I get. I guess I'm groaning up."); } elsif($action == 4) { $ClientID = GetRandomClient(); if($ClientID > 0) { quest::say("You need to be more down to earth."); $npc->CastSpell(345, $ClientID); # Spell: Shrink } } elsif($action == 5) { quest::say("You have the life expectancy of a blind elf in Kelethin."); } elsif($action == 6) { quest::say("What do you call an angry Berserker? Anything they want you to!"); } elsif($action == 7) { quest::say("What did one ranger say to the other ranger at the local pub? Bind here often?"); } elsif($action == 8) { $ClientID = GetRandomClient(); if($ClientID > 0) { quest::say("How's the weather up there?"); $npc->CastSpell(2522, $ClientID); # Spell: Grow } } elsif($action == 9) { $c = GetRandomClient(); if($c > 0) { quest::say("You look exhausted."); $npc->CastSpell(6897, $c, 10, 0); # Spell: Bristlebane's Surprise } } elsif($action == 10) { $ClientID = GetRandomClient(); if($ClientID > 0) { $c = $entity_list->GetClientByID($ClientID); if($c) { quest::say("Try a bite of my tasty bread. I make it myself."); $c->SummonItem(quest::ChooseRandom(64044, 64045), 10); # Item(s): Bristlebane's Bread (64044) } } } elsif($action == 11) { quest::say("This place really needs to lighten up."); $npc->CastSpell(30, 0, 10, 0); # Spell: Blazing Comet } elsif($action == 12) { quest::say("I've always heard that change must come from within but this is ridiculous."); $ClientID = GetRandomClient(); if($ClientID > 0) { $c = $entity_list->GetClientByID($ClientID); if($c) { $c->BuffFadeByEffect(58); $IllusionSpell = quest::ChooseRandom(586, 590, 591, 587, 1731, 3063, 595, 583, 594, 589, 582, 243, 593); $c->CastSpell($IllusionSpell, $ClientID, 10, 0); } } } elsif($action == 13) { quest::say("I think monks use that 'weight thing' as an excuse to make me carry their bags."); } elsif($action == 14) { quest::say("Next time you visit the Plane of Mischief, say hello to the merry mushroom men for me. Fun guys, all of them."); } else { } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022