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The_Prophet.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub set_data { #cheap hack to reload our variables $wage_start = 3; #minutes before paymeny required. $wage_rate = 10; #in platinum $wage_duration = 30*60; #in minutes #spells avaliable: {name, spell_id, cost} @spells = ( [ "sow", 278, 1 ], [ "pinzarn", 487, 1 ], [ "bramble", 517, 1 ], [ "soc", 220, 5 ], [ "naltron", 487, 5 ], [ "bramble", 518, 5 ] ); } sub EVENT_SPAWN { &set_data; my $min = 3; quest::settimer("pay$mname", $min*60); quest::say("$mname at your service, I need payment within $min minutes."); # quest::setglobal("balance", $balance, 2, "H6"); } sub EVENT_TIMER { &set_data; if($balance < $wage_rate) { quest::say("Goodbye."); quest::depop_withtimer(); quest::stoptimer("pay$mname"); } else { $balance -= $wage_rate; quest::settimer("pay$mname", $wage_duration*60); quest::say("Payment received, im yours for another $wage_duration minutes."); quest::setglobal("balance", $balance, 2, "H6"); } } sub EVENT_SAY { &set_data; if(!$balance) { $balance = 0; } if($text =~ /bye/i) { quest::say("Goodbye."); quest::depop_withtimer(); quest::stoptimer("pay$mname"); } elsif($text =~ /follow/i) { $npc->SetFollowID($client->GetID()); } elsif($text =~ /stop/i) { $npc->SetFollowID(0); } elsif($text =~ /cast ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/i) { my $found = 0; my $s; foreach $s (@spells) { if($s->[0] eq $1) { if($balance < $s->[2]) { quest::say("You do have not paid me enough to cast that."); last; } $balance -= $s->[2]; quest::setglobal("balance", $balance, 2, "H6"); quest::say("Casting spell ".$s->[1]." named ".$s->[0]." for ".$s->[2]." platinum."); #have the client self-cast to allow beneficial spells. $client->CastSpell($s->[1], $client->GetID()); $found = 1; last; } } if(!$found) { quest::say("Unable to find a spell named $1"); } } elsif($text =~ /balance/i) { quest::say("You have a balance of $balance platinum avaliable"); } elsif($text =~ /spells/i) { my $s; foreach $s (@spells) { quest::say("I can cast spell ".$s->[1]." named ".$s->[0]." for ".$s->[2]." platinum."); } } elsif($text =~ /help/i) { quest::say("follow|stop - tell the npc to follow you or stop following you."); quest::say("balance - report your balance"); quest::say("spells - list the spells avaliable for casting"); quest::say("cast [spellname] - request a spell casting"); quest::say("bye - tell the npc to go away"); } else { quest::say("I dont understand that, just ask for [help] if you need it."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { &set_data; my $money = ($copper + $silver*10 + $gold*100 + $platinum*1000)/1000; $balance = $balance + $money; quest::say("You have a balance of $balance platinum avaliable"); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022