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player.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_ENTERZONE { quest::settimer("spires",10); $nexus_gf = undef; $spire_gf = undef; $message_gf = undef; #Adventurer's Stone if(($ulevel >= 15) && (!defined($qglobals{Wayfarer})) && ($client->GetStartZone()==$zoneid)) { $client->Message(15, "A mysterious voice whispers to you, 'Enyaanuia Windancer in the tavern by Trueshots Bows has just joined the Wayfarers Brotherhood and has some information about them, and how you can start doing odd jobs for them. You looked like the heroic sort, so I wanted to contact you . . . discreetly.'"); } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if (defined $qglobals{nexus_gf} && defined $qglobals{spire_gf} && $qglobals{spire_gf} == 1 && plugin::check_hasitem($client, 19720)) { quest::selfcast(2433); #self only to avoid AE quest::setglobal("spire_gf",0,1,"F"); quest::delglobal("message_gf"); $client->NukeItem(19720); #removes stone from inventory. $nexus_gf = undef; $spire_gf = undef; $message_gf = undef; } elsif (defined $qglobals{nexus_gf} && defined $qglobals{spire_gf} && $qglobals{spire_gf} == 1 && !defined $qglobals{message_gf} && !plugin::check_hasitem($client, 19720)) { $client->Message(15,"You don't have the correct component to travel to Luclin."); quest::setglobal("message_gf",1,1,"M20"); #prevent component mssage from being spammed. $nexus_gf = undef; $spire_gf = undef; $message_gf = undef; } elsif (defined $qglobals{nexus_gf} && defined $qglobals{spire_gf} && $qglobals{spire_gf} == 1 && defined $qglobals{message_gf} && !plugin::check_hasitem($client, 19720)) { $nexus_gf = undef; $spire_gf = undef; $message_gf = undef; } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022