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#Caller_Murkin.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# north cavern event caller # # items: 28700, 28701, 28702, 28703 srand; sub EVENT_SPAWN { $murkin = 0; } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 28700 => 1)) { $northdiff = 90; } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 28701 => 1)) { $northdiff = 60; } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 28702 => 1)) { $northdiff = 30; } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 28703 => 1)) { quest::stoptimer("northsumone"); quest::stoptimer("northsumtwo"); quest::stoptimer("northsumthree"); $murkin = 0; quest::depop_withtimer(); return 1; } else { plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); return 1; } quest::say("Aieee! Beastie huntin' fer us! Le's go! You give me back da contract when you had nuff beasties, yub. Me quit then, an' call no more beasties. I wait a minute so you make ready. Then ya follow me, and I take ya to da cave where we find beasties.."); quest::summonitem(28703); # Item: North Caller Contract quest::settimer("nprep",60); } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer eq "nprep") { quest::stoptimer("nprep"); $murkin = 1; quest::moveto(-592.8,460,-260.5); } if ($timer eq "northsumone") { quest::emote("moans and waves his arms, then shouts 'Graka! Mootogo Ta Naga!!'"); quest::doanim(42); $nmobone = int(rand(1001 - 1)) + 1; if (($nmobone >= 1) && ($nmobone <= 245)) { $north1 = quest::spawn2(157070,0,0,-1097,1077,-379.9,0); #beast } if (($nmobone >= 246) && ($nmobone <= 490)) { $north1 = quest::spawn2(157102,0,0,-1078,1030,-379.9,0); #fiend } if (($nmobone >= 491) && ($nmobone <= 735)) { $north1 = quest::spawn2(157108,0,0,-1097,1000,-379.9,0); #healer } if (($nmobone >= 736) && ($nmobone <= 980)) { $north1 = quest::spawn2(157109,0,0,-1097,1077,-379.9,0); #priest } if (($nmobone >= 981) && ($nmobone <= 983)) { $north1 = quest::spawn2(157089,0,0,-1078,1030,-379.9,0); #katcha } if (($nmobone >= 984) && ($nmobone <= 986)) { $north1 = quest::spawn2(157077,0,0,-1097,1000,-379.9,0); #takacha } if (($nmobone >= 987) && ($nmobone <= 989)) { $north1 = quest::spawn2(157078,0,0,-1097,1077,-379.9,0); #chakiza } if (($nmobone >= 990) && ($nmobone <= 992)) { $north1 = quest::spawn2(157091,0,0,-1078,1030,-379.9,0); #chakno } if (($nmobone >= 993) && ($nmobone <= 996)) { $north1 = quest::spawn2(157088,0,0,-1097,1000,-379.9,0); #tiako } if (($nmobone >= 997) && ($nmobone <= 1000)) { $north1 = quest::spawn2(157082,0,0,-1097,1077,-379.9,0); #tuchako } $nmob1 = $entity_list->GetMobID($north1); $nmobnpc1 = $nmob1->CastToNPC(); $nmobnpc1->AddToHateList($npc, 1); } if ($timer eq "northsumtwo") { $nmobtwo = int(rand(1001 - 1)) + 1; if (($nmobtwo >= 1) && ($nmobtwo <= 245)) { $north2 = quest::spawn2(157070,0,0,-1095,812,-334,0); #beast } if (($nmobtwo >= 246) && ($nmobtwo <= 490)) { $north2 = quest::spawn2(157102,0,0,-1095,812,-334,0); #fiend } if (($nmobtwo >= 491) && ($nmobtwo <= 735)) { $north2 = quest::spawn2(157108,0,0,-1095,812,-334,0); #healer } if (($nmobtwo >= 736) && ($nmobtwo <= 980)) { $north2 = quest::spawn2(157109,0,0,-1095,812,-334,0); #priest } if (($nmobtwo >= 981) && ($nmobtwo <= 983)) { $north2 = quest::spawn2(157089,0,0,-1095,812,-334,0); #katcha } if (($nmobtwo >= 984) && ($nmobtwo <= 986)) { $north2 = quest::spawn2(157077,0,0,-1095,812,-334,0); #takacha } if (($nmobtwo >= 987) && ($nmobtwo <= 989)) { $north2 = quest::spawn2(157078,0,0,-1095,812,-334,0); #chakiza } if (($nmobtwo >= 990) && ($nmobtwo <= 992)) { $north2 = quest::spawn2(157091,0,0,-1095,812,-334,0); #chakno } if (($nmobtwo >= 993) && ($nmobtwo <= 996)) { $north2 = quest::spawn2(157088,0,0,-1095,812,-334,0); #tiako } if (($nmobtwo >= 997) && ($nmobtwo <= 1000)) { $north2 = quest::spawn2(157082,0,0,-1095,812,-334,0); #tuchako } $nmob2 = $entity_list->GetMobID($north2); $nmobnpc2 = $nmob2->CastToNPC(); $nmobnpc2->AddToHateList($npc, 1); } if ($timer eq "northsumthree") { $nmobthree = int(rand(1001 - 1)) + 1; if (($nmobthree >= 1) && ($nmobthree <= 245)) { $north3 = quest::spawn2(157070,0,0,-1076,705,-335.9,0); #beast } if (($nmobthree >= 246) && ($nmobthree <= 490)) { $north3 = quest::spawn2(157102,0,0,-1059,736,-331.9,0); #fiend } if (($nmobthree >= 491) && ($nmobthree <= 735)) { $north3 = quest::spawn2(157108,0,0,-1076,705,-335.9,0); #healer } if (($nmobthree >= 736) && ($nmobthree <= 980)) { $north3 = quest::spawn2(157109,0,0,-1059,736,-331.9,0); #priest } if (($nmobthree >= 981) && ($nmobthree <= 983)) { $north3 = quest::spawn2(157089,0,0,-1076,705,-335.9,0); #katcha } if (($nmobthree >= 984) && ($nmobthree <= 986)) { $north3 = quest::spawn2(157077,0,0,-1059,736,-331.9,0); #takacha } if (($nmobthree >= 987) && ($nmobthree <= 989)) { $north3 = quest::spawn2(157078,0,0,-1076,705,-335.9,0); #chakiza } if (($nmobthree >= 990) && ($nmobthree <= 992)) { $north3 = quest::spawn2(157091,0,0,-1059,736,-331.9,0); #chakno } if (($nmobthree >= 993) && ($nmobthree <= 996)) { $north3 = quest::spawn2(157088,0,0,-1076,705,-335.9,0); #tiako } if (($nmobthree >= 997) && ($nmobthree <= 1000)) { $north3 = quest::spawn2(157082,0,0,-1059,736,-331.9,0); #tuchako } $nmob3 = $entity_list->GetMobID($north3); $nmobnpc3 = $nmob3->CastToNPC(); $nmobnpc3->AddToHateList($npc, 1); } } sub EVENT_WAYPOINT_DEPART { $npc->SaveGuardSpot($x, $y, $z, $h); if ($murkin == 1) { $murkin = 2; quest::moveto(-686,467,-261); } elsif ($murkin == 2) { $murkin = 3; quest::moveto(-879.1,524.3,-308.7); } elsif ($murkin == 3) { $murkin = 4; quest::moveto(-1005.4,612,-337.5); } elsif ($murkin == 4) { $murkin = 5; quest::settimer("northsumone",$northdiff); quest::settimer("northsumtwo",$northdiff); quest::settimer("northsumthree",$northdiff); quest::moveto(-1090.8,717.4,-333.5); } elsif ($murkin == 5) { $murkin = 6; quest::moveto(-1098,865.7,-332.5); } } sub EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE { $murkin = 0; quest::stoptimer("northsumone"); quest::stoptimer("northsumtwo"); quest::stoptimer("northsumthree"); } # EOF
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022