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player.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
function event_click_door(e) local cur_x = e.self:GetX(); local cur_y = e.self:GetY(); local cur_z = e.self:GetZ(); local dest_x = 0; local dest_y = 0; local dest_z = 0; local door_id = e.door:GetDoorID(); -- so we only need to port our other group members. Normal server door handling will handle the client clicking -- first we check if we're dealing with a raid group or not local raid = e.self:GetRaid(); local player_list = nil; local player_list_count = nil; local raid_group = nil; -- not in a raid group we don't do shit either if (raid.valid and raid:GetGroup(e.self) ~= -1) then player_list = raid; player_list_count = raid:RaidCount(); raid_group = raid:GetGroup(e.self); else -- don't need to do any extra fancy group checks local group = e.self:GetGroup(); if (group.valid) then player_list = group; player_list_count = group:GroupCount(); end end -- if the player_list is not nil, we have people to move! if (player_list ~= nil) then if (door_id == 2 or door_id == 166) then -- First Floor Door if (e.self:KeyRingCheck(20033) or e.self:HasItem(20033)) then dest_x = 660; dest_y = 100; dest_z = 40; end elseif (door_id == 4 or door_id == 167) then -- Second Floor Door if (e.self:KeyRingCheck(20034) or e.self:HasItem(20034)) then dest_x = 670; dest_y = 750; dest_z = 75; end elseif (door_id == 16 or door_id == 165) then -- Third Floor Door if (e.self:KeyRingCheck(20035) or e.self:HasItem(20035)) then dest_x = 170; dest_y = 755; dest_z = 175; end elseif (door_id == 27 or door_id == 169) then -- Fourth Floor Door if (e.self:KeyRingCheck(20036) or e.self:HasItem(20036)) then dest_x = -150; dest_y = 160; dest_z = 217; end elseif (door_id == 34 or door_id == 168) then -- Fifth Floor Door if (e.self:KeyRingCheck(20037) or e.self:HasItem(20037)) then dest_x = -320; dest_y = 725; dest_z = 12; end elseif (door_id == 1) then -- Sixth Floor Door if (e.self:KeyRingCheck(20038) or e.self:HasItem(20038)) then dest_x = 20; dest_y = 250; dest_z = 355; end end -- okay, we have destination now, maybe. If we do, we need to port our group members (but not us) if (dest_x ~= 0) then for i = 0, player_list_count - 1, 1 do local mob_v = player_list:GetMember(i); if (mob_v.valid and mob_v:IsClient()) then -- group:GetMember returns mob, so we need to cast it (this may be a group or raid) local pc = mob_v:CastToClient(); if (pc.valid) then -- don't move the initiator of this event if (pc:CharacterID() ~= e.self:CharacterID()) then -- if we're in a normal group (raid_group == nil) we don't need to verify the Group Number if (raid_group == nil or player_list:GetGroupNumber(i) == raid_group) then if (pc:CalculateDistance(cur_x, cur_y, cur_z) <= 40) then pc:MovePC(111, dest_x, dest_y, dest_z, 0); -- Zone: frozenshadow end end end end end end end end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022