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an_enslaved_iksar.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#The enslaved iksar is part of the Greenmist quest line, and is for the seventh quest in the series. He gives a bit of flavor through most of his speech, but is also used to turn in items for a part of the Stupendous Tome. # items: 12708, 12712, 12713, 12714 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/hail/i){ quest::emote("looks up at you. You can tell his spirit is broken. His scars speak of a severe beating."); } elsif($text=~/Vok Na Zov/i){ #Test of the Lord (Greenmist Quest 7/8) quest::say("Forget them. I believe all six scrolls lie in the [Kaesora Library] and that is no safe place for any explorer. The scrolls are not readable by any livng person, but I came here in search of a machine which may be able to decipher them, the [Stupendous Contraption]. Should you return to Cabilis, see that the Arch Duke hears of the scrolls."); } elsif($text=~/kaesora library/i){ #Test of the Lord (Greenmist Quest 7/8) quest::say("Oh!! You heard of the ancient library I discovered in Kaesora? I think the six scrolls of [Vok Na Zov] may lie there. I have not yet actually found the location of the library and it's very dangerous to lurk within the ruins of Kaesora. I would not venture there if I were you."); } elsif($text=~/stupendous contraption/i){ #Test of the Lord (Greenmist Quest 7/8) quest::say("I have learned it was a machine tinkered by a legendary gnome. It has many uses. It lies in the slave pens of Droga. Perhaps it may be used to decipher the [Scrolls of Vok Na Zov]. I have leearned that it will not work without a [contraption needle]. Luckily I have found one in my journies."); } elsif($text=~/contraption needle/i){ #Test of the Lord (Greenmist Quest 7/8) quest::say("The contraption needle is a piece of the machine, the [Stupendous Contraption]. It won't operate without it and if you want it, you're going to have to bring me the [pen keys]."); } elsif($text=~/pen keys/i){ #Test of the Lord (Greenmist Quest 7/8) quest::say("Pen keys!! I need the pen keys to get out of here! Find the ones who hold these keys. Bring me the key to pen number 1 and both keys to the pen gates. Do so and I shall give you the [contraption needle]."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 12708 => 1, 12712 => 1, 12713 => 1)) { #Test of the Lord (Greenmist Quest 7/8) quest::emote("escapes with a flash, but before he goes, he speaks, 'At last!! The keys which shall bring me freedom! I thank you and here is the contraption needle. Good luck.'"); quest::summonitem(12714); #Coarse Iron Needle quest::exp(2000); quest::ding(); quest::depop_withtimer(); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #Submitted by: Jim Mills
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022