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Fabian.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- items: 13709, 13710, 13708 function event_say(e) if(e.message:findi("hail")) then e.self:Say("Greetings, merry gentlefolk! If you enjoy the music, please feel free to cross my palm with gold."); end end function event_trade(e) local item_lib = require("items"); local fabian = eq.get_qglobals(e.other); if(item_lib.check_turn_in(e.trade, {gold = 2})) then e.self:Say("Rat spittle! Busted another string! You seem like a good music loving citizen, could you please run to the Wind Spirit's Song and grab me a fresh set of lute strings?"); e.other:Ding(); e.other:Faction(284, 2,0); -- Faction: League of Antonican Bards e.other:Faction(281, 1,0); -- Faction: Knights of Truth e.other:Faction(262, 1,0); -- Faction: Guards of Qeynos e.other:Faction(304, -1,0); -- Faction: Ring of Scale e.other:Faction(285, -1,0); -- Faction: Mayong Mistmoore elseif(item_lib.check_turn_in(e.trade, {item1 = 13709})) then -- Lute Strings if(fabian.SilverCoin ~= nil) then e.self:Say("'Many thanks, merry gentlefolk! Let me cross your palm in gratitude for your kindness."); else e.self:Say("'Many thanks, merry gentlefolk! Let me cross your palm in gratitude for your kindness. Hmmmm where did my lucky coin go?"); e.other:SummonItem(13710); -- Etched Silver Coin eq.set_global("SilverCoin","0",5,"F"); end e.other:Ding(); e.other:Faction(284, 2,0); -- Faction: League of Antonican Bards e.other:Faction(281, 1,0); -- Faction: Knights of Truth e.other:Faction(262, 1,0); -- Faction: Guards of Qeynos e.other:Faction(304, -1,0); -- Faction: Ring of Scale e.other:Faction(285, -1,0); -- Faction: Mayong Mistmoore e.other:AddEXP(5000); e.other:GiveCash(0,20,10,1); elseif(item_lib.check_turn_in(e.trade, {item1 = 13710})) then -- Etched Silver Coin e.self:Say("'My lucky coin! How did it get in there? Well, never mind that. You are an honest person and although honesty is its own reward, I feel obligated to return the favor. Take this to Dionna if you enjoy music. Farewell friend!"); e.other:SummonItem(13708); -- Note From Fabian e.other:Ding(); e.other:Faction(284, 10,0); -- Faction: League of Antonican Bards e.other:Faction(281, 1,0); -- Faction: Knights of Truth e.other:Faction(262, 1,0); -- Faction: Guards of Qeynos e.other:Faction(304, -1,0); -- Faction: Ring of Scale e.other:Faction(285, -1,0); -- Faction: Mayong Mistmoore e.other:AddEXP(5000); end item_lib.return_items(e.self, e.other, e.trade) end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022