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Nusk_Treton.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- items: 13860 function event_say(e) local fac = e.other:GetFaction(e.self); if(e.message:findi("hail")) then e.self:Say("Freeport!! Great trade city of Norrath!! What a wondrous place! How do you do? You are an [arcane scientist]. are you not?"); elseif(fac < 5) then if(e.message:findi("arcane scientist")) then e.self:Say("Grand!! I remember my younger days within this great academy. I have spent many years of research here in Freeport. I compiled a [locked journal] of my research. Alas, I am still awaiting its return."); elseif(e.message:findi("locked journal")) then e.self:Say("I lent it to an old colleague of mine in Ak'Anon. He was to send it back aboard a private vessel. One Lenka Stoutheart was to return it to me. It has already been one month and counting. I wish there was a young wizard who could [seek out Lenka]."); elseif(e.message:findi("seek out Lenka")) then e.self:Say("What luck!! I would be most appreciative if you could find Lenka Stoutheart in Freeport and inquire where the journal strongbox might be. I do so look forward to its return."); end elseif(fac == 5) then if(e.message:findi("arcane scientist") or e.message:findi("locked journal") or e.message:findi("seek out Lenka")) then e.self:Say("The word of mouth in the Academy of Arcane Science is that you are no foe, but you have yet to prove your worth to us. Perform a tasks for the great Tara Neklene."); end elseif(fac > 5) then if(e.message:findi("arcane scientist") or e.message:findi("locked journal") or e.message:findi("seek out Lenka")) then e.self:Say("You had best leave my sight. I am a faithful member of the Academy of Arcane Science and you are no ally of ours."); end end end function event_trade(e) local fac = e.other:GetFaction(e.self); local item_lib = require("items"); if(fac < 5) then if(item_lib.check_turn_in(e.trade, {item1 = 13860})) then -- A Strongbox e.self:Say("Grand and fantastic!! You have made my day complete. Here is what little I can offer. Most of my money goes into my research. Thank you."); e.other:Ding(); e.other:Faction(220,3,0); -- Arcane Scientists e.other:Faction(220,1,0); -- Arcane Scientists e.other:Faction(281,1,0); -- Knights of Truth e.other:Faction(296,-5,0); -- Opal Dark Briar e.other:Faction(330,-5,0); -- The Freeport Militia e.other:AddEXP(100); e.other:GiveCash(2,10,0,0); end end item_lib.return_items(e.self, e.other, e.trade) end -- END of FILE Zone:freeportwest -- Nusk_Treton
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022