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Gearin_Gaxx.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i){ quest::say("Welcome. friend! If armor is what you seek. let the house of Gaxx provide you with the finest. Our metalwork is second to none. Every now and again we may even create [rare armor] for the general public to purchase."); } if($text=~/what rare armor?/i){ quest::say("I have found many exotic materials in Kunark with which I can create rare armor. I currently am working on the [Guard of Ik] and the [Hate Tail Guard] shields. I have no armor as of yet. but I am experimenting with new designs."); } if($text=~/what is the Guard of Ik/i){ quest::say("The Guards of Ik are made from shields found in the jungles. I would be selling them if it were not for the unfortunate fact that the shields are spectral and vanish overnight. Another bit of bad news is that the formula I was working on to stabilize the essence of the metal was stolen by local pirates. I need two more shields and my formula. Bring these to me and I shall not charge you."); } } #END of FILE Zone:firiona ID:84185 -- Gearin_Gaxx
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022