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#Kwinn_the_Outlander.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# Kwinn's Quest - subquest of shackle of tynnonium # # items: 17038, 12828, 12822 sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Hail, adventurer! Kwinn's the name. Hunting is my game. I have been all over this continent. Seen many things and found [odd trinkets]. I have no quarrel with any race. I judge a person or critter by their actions. Heck, my best friend is a troll!!"); } if ($text=~/odd trinkets/i) { quest::say("Blast!! I found some strange thingamajigs!! Most of it I toss or sell to vendors and crazy sages. I am on my way to sell this [iron tail] to a tinkerer."); } if ($text=~/iron tail/i) { quest::say("Found the thing washed up on the shore in Timorous Deep. Looks like a metal lizardman tail. It is all rusted and covered with barnacles. Probably can't get much for it, but I'll try. Why do you ask? Are you looking to [trade for the mechanical thing]?"); } if ($text=~/trade for the mechanical thing/i) { quest::emote("takes out an extra pack. 'Thought you might be interested. I don't want to take a loss and I only trade for things I am hunting, so here!! Inside this pack you need to combine the following items; a sabertooth tiger mane, a pair of pygmy brute choppers, a lime plume and a war bone fist. Return the full sack to me and the tail is yours.'"); quest::summonitem(17038); # Item: Empty Pack from Kwinn } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 12828 => 1)) { quest::say("Kackling Quellious!! This will bring a fortune on the black market!! Well, a deal is a deal. Here is the tail."); quest::exp(25000); quest::summonitem(12822); # Item: Mechanical Iksar Tail } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } # EOF zone: firiona ID: 84061 NPC: #Kwinn_the_Outlander
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022