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#druid_epic_trap.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
my $questclient; my $PetEnt; sub EVENT_SPAWN { quest::set_proximity($x-50,$x+50,$y-50,$y+50); } sub EVENT_ENTER { my $charmitem = $client->GetItemIDAt(quest::getinventoryslotid("charm")); if ($charmitem==62815) { if ($client->GetPetID()) { my $PetID = $client->GetPetID(); $PetEnt = $entity_list->GetMobByID($PetID); my $PetName = $PetEnt->GetCleanName(); if ( $PetName == "a swamp aligator") { $questclient=$name; $client->Message(15, "Not safe!"); quest::settimer(1,5); #$client->Message(15, "Must go now!"); #$client->Message(15, "You sense your alligator ally panic. He thrashes about in conflict, his desire to aid you conflicting with a tremendous fear. Seconds later the creature dies from the shock."); #$client->Message(15, "Muck and slime are flung from the beasts tentacles as it swings them wildly in anger at being disturbed"); #$PetEnt->Depop(1); #quest::spawn2(47208,0,0,-93,-442,-82,0); #spawn #Swamp_Terror #quest::depop_withtimer(); } } } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer == 1) { quest::stoptimer(1); $entity_list->GetClientByName("$questclient")->Message(15, "Must go now!"); quest::settimer(2,5); } if ($timer == 2) { quest::stoptimer(2); $entity_list->GetClientByName("$questclient")->Message(15, "You sense your alligator ally panic. He thrashes about in conflict, his desire to aid you conflicting with a tremendous fear. Seconds later the creature dies from the shock."); quest::settimer(3,5); } if ($timer == 3) { quest::stoptimer(3); $entity_list->GetClientByName("$questclient")->Message(15, "Muck and slime are flung from the beasts tentacles as it swings them wildly in anger at being disturbed"); $PetEnt->Depop(1); quest::spawn2(47208,0,0,-93,-442,-82,0); #spawn #Swamp_Terror quest::depop_withtimer(); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022