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Cazic_Thule.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- Call All mobs to aid Cazic Thule if they're still alive -- items: 18898, 8226, 18899, 7836 function event_spawn(e) eq.set_timer("Shout",600000); -- use a timer for the zone repop so that the entire zone is not popping twice immediately on zone bootup. eq.set_timer("RepopZone",5000); end function event_say(e) if(e.message:findi("gandan has failed in his task")) then e.self:Emote("'s thoughts begin to pervade your own, they creep into your mind with great force. You feel pressure as if your head will explode. You see his thoughts becoming your own. You see in these visions a tome bound in flesh dropped to the ground. You then open your eyes to see that same book, and take it knowing that it was meant for you."); e.other:SummonItem(18898); -- Item: Flayed Skin Tome end end function event_death_complete(e) -- leave out broken golem, The Tempest Reaver, and Irak_Altil send_signal_to_all_npc_in_zone(3, {72078,72074,72012}); end function event_trade(e) local item_lib = require("items"); if(item_lib.check_turn_in(e.trade, {item1 = 8226, item2 = 18898, item3 = 18899})) then e.self:Emote("seems pleased with the amount of pain that you have been able to inflict. Cazic Thule then grabs your hands and begins to infuse them with his power. Your hands burn like they were placed in lava for a moment, then feel cool as ice. You can feel the sheer power flowing through your new weapons of pain."); e.other:SummonItem(7836); -- Item: Whistling Fists e.other:AddEXP(100000); e.other:Ding(); end item_lib.return_items(e.self, e.other, e.trade) end function event_combat(e) if (e.joined) then -- call all mobs to assist e.self:Shout("Denizens of Fear, your master commands you to come forth to his aid!!"); -- leave out broken golem, The Tempest Reaver, and Irak_Altil send_signal_to_all_npc_in_zone(2, {72078,72074,72012}); eq.stop_timer("Shout"); else -- leave out broken golem, The Tempest Reaver, and Irak_Altil send_signal_to_all_npc_in_zone(3, {72078,72074,72012}); eq.set_timer("Shout",600000); end end function event_timer(e) if(e.timer == "Shout") then e.self:Shout("Beware all infidels who dare to taint my plane, for I shall rend your minds with fright, dread, and terror!"); -- most mobs have an answer to my shout -- leave out broken golem, The Tempest Reaver, and Irak_Altil send_signal_to_all_npc_in_zone(1, {72078,72074,72012}); elseif(e.timer == "RepopZone") then eq.spawn_condition("fearplane",0,1,0); eq.spawn_condition("fearplane",0,1,1); eq.stop_timer("RepopZone"); end end function send_signal_to_all_npc_in_zone(signal_to_send,exclude_table) -- set to true for debugging messages local show_debug = false; -- create list of NPCID that will not be signalled. local exclude_npc_list = Set(exclude_table); -- create empty table to track the NPCID that have had signals sent already local signal_sent_to = {}; -- grab the entity list local entity_list = eq.get_entity_list(); -- get the list of npcs currently spawned in the zone local npc_list = entity_list:GetNPCList(); -- do not do anything if there are no NPC's spawned. should be an impossible check because this is in an NPC script if(npc_list ~= nil) then for npc in npc_list.entries do if (exclude_npc_list[npc:GetNPCTypeID()] == nil and signal_sent_to[npc:GetNPCTypeID()] == nil) then -- make sure the npc is valid (again, should never fail, but better to be certain. if (npc.valid) then if (show_debug) then eq.zone_emote(4,"NPCID: " .. npc:GetNPCTypeID() .. " is being sent signal " .. tostring(signal_to_send) .. "."); end -- send signal to this NPCID eq.signal(npc:GetNPCTypeID(),signal_to_send); -- add this NPCID to the list of NPCID that we have already signalled signal_sent_to[npc:GetNPCTypeID()] = true; end elseif(signal_sent_to[npc:GetNPCTypeID()] == true) then if (show_debug) then eq.zone_emote(4,"NPCID: " .. npc:GetNPCTypeID() .. " has already been sent signal " .. tostring(signal_to_send) .. "."); end elseif(exclude_npc_list[npc:GetNPCTypeID()] == true) then if (show_debug) then eq.zone_emote(4,"NPCID: " .. npc:GetNPCTypeID() .. " is excluded and will not be sent signal " .. tostring(signal_to_send) .. "."); end end end end end -- Set function example from Programming In Lua -- http://www.lua.org/pil/11.5.html function Set (list) local set = {} for _, l in ipairs(list) do set[l] = true end return set end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022