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Yun_Assistant_Maldok.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- items: 51120 rescue = 0; x_dest = 785; y_dest = -1775; function event_say(e) if (e.message:findi("hail")) then if (rescue == 0) then e.self:Emote("whispers something almost inaudible to " .. e.other:GetName() .. "."); e.self:Emote("whispers, 'Oh thank heavens! Did Kintok send you?! I thought he might. I had gone to get some supplies for him, but our ship got attacked, and I was taken prisoner by these zombie guards here. I've been here for more days than I can count. Would you [help me escape]?"); elseif (rescue == 1) then e.self:Say("I must return to the docks, I am afraid that they may still be after us, at least if we are near the docks, the Kerran will help us out."); elseif (rescue == 2) then e.self:Emote("appears to be thanking " .. e.other:GetName() .. " heartily for his assistance, and for the rescue."); e.self:Say("Oh, thank you very much, I thought I would never get away from those cretins! It seems I've been there for ages. Now, what to do about these supplies. . .' he says as he checks his pockets. 'They've taken everything from me, fortunately I didn't carry the money on me, so they didn't get much. Once I finally make it to Erudin, I should be able to make a withdrawal, and purchase the supplies, and return to Kintok with them. I realize that I am indebted to you already, but could I possibly ask for one last favor? Please return to Kintok with this note from me. It should explain everything, and you will be my proof. Let him know that I shouldn't be more than a day behind you, with the supplies."); e.other:SummonItem(51120); -- Note to Kintok e.self:Depop(); end elseif (e.message:findi("help me escape")) then if (rescue == 0) then e.self:Emote("whispers something almost inaudible to " .. e.other:GetName() .. "."); e.self:Emote("whispers, 'You are a true hero. I fear that if we try and escape, these zombies may attack us, and perhaps even kill us . . I sure hope you are [prepared for an attack]. If we make it out of here alive, return me to the docks, so that I may be able to gather my thoughts, and composure. I believe I will need to return to Erudin and replace the supplies I lost, but lets not think of that now, lets get out of here first! If we make it to the docks, speak with me again, and I will figure out what it is that I must do.'"); elseif (rescue == 1) then e.self:Say("I must return to the docks, I am afraid that they may still be after us, at least if we are near the docks, the Kerran will help us out."); end elseif (e.message:findi("prepared for an attack")) then if (rescue == 0) then e.self:Emote("whispers something almost inaudible to " .. e.other:GetName() .. "."); e.self:Emote("whispers, 'I applaud your effort, you truly are a servant of Marr, may he bless you.'"); rescue = 1; eq.signal(98043, e.other:GetID()); -- NPC: a_zombie_guardian eq.follow(e.other:GetID()); eq.set_timer("docks", 2000) elseif (rescue == 1) then e.self:Say("I must return to the docks, I am afraid that they may still be after us, at least if we are near the docks, the Kerran will help us out."); end end end function event_timer(e) x_npc = e.self:GetX(); y_npc = e.self:GetY(); if (x_npc >= (x_dest - 100) and x_npc <= (x_dest + 100) and y_npc >= (y_dest - 100) and y_npc <= (y_dest + 100)) then rescue = 2; eq.stop_timer("docks"); end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022