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Tain_Hammerfrost.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# Coldain Ring: Quest 4 # items: 30139, 30138, 30140 my $flag = 0; sub EVENT_SPAWN { $flag = 0; quest::settimer(1, 60); } sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("The bloody Kromrif ambushed me! I escaped, but I am near death. They'll be tracking me down to finish me off at any moment. Without [help], I'm as good as dead."); } if ($text=~/help/i && $flag == 0) { $flag = 1; quest::settimer(3, 600); quest::say("Thank Brell! I hear them approaching from just over that hill! Slay the leader, Ghrek, and give me his elixir."); my $mobid1 = quest::spawn2(116560, 0, 0, -2991, -4837, 229, 130); # NPC: Ghrek_Squatnot my $mobid2 = quest::spawn2(116030, 0, 0, -2991, -4815, 229, 130); # NPC: a_frost_giant my $mobid3 = quest::spawn2(116030, 0, 0, -2991, -4793, 229, 130); # NPC: a_frost_giant my $mobid4 = quest::spawn2(116030, 0, 0, -2991, -4859, 229, 130); # NPC: a_frost_giant my $mobid5 = quest::spawn2(116030, 0, 0, -2991, -4881, 229, 130); # NPC: a_frost_giant my $mob1 = $entity_list->GetMobID($mobid1); my $mob2 = $entity_list->GetMobID($mobid2); my $mob3 = $entity_list->GetMobID($mobid3); my $mob4 = $entity_list->GetMobID($mobid4); my $mob5 = $entity_list->GetMobID($mobid5); my $mobnpc1 = $mob1->CastToNPC(); my $mobnpc2 = $mob2->CastToNPC(); my $mobnpc3 = $mob3->CastToNPC(); my $mobnpc4 = $mob4->CastToNPC(); my $mobnpc5 = $mob5->CastToNPC(); $mobnpc1->SaveGuardSpot($x, $y, $z, $h); $mobnpc2->SaveGuardSpot($x, $y, $z, $h); $mobnpc3->SaveGuardSpot($x, $y, $z, $h); $mobnpc4->SaveGuardSpot($x, $y, $z, $h); $mobnpc5->SaveGuardSpot($x, $y, $z, $h); $mobnpc1->MoveTo(-2681, -4944, 150); $mobnpc2->MoveTo(-2703, -4920, 150); $mobnpc3->MoveTo(-2697, -4890, 150); $mobnpc4->MoveTo(-2707, -4950, 150); $mobnpc5->MoveTo(-2710, -4979, 150); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 30139 => 1)) { $npc->SetAppearance(3); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 30138 => 1)) { quest::stoptimer(1); $npc->SetAppearance(0); quest::say("I will report your selfless actions when I return to Thurgadin. Take this for your troubles, friend. I hope you find it useful. Fare thee well."); quest::summonitem(30140); # Item: Coldain Smithing Hammer quest::settimer(2,15); # Factions: +Coldain, +Dain Frostreaver IV, -Kromrif, -Kromzek quest::faction(406, 30); # Faction: Coldain quest::faction(405, 30); # Faction: Dain Frostreaver IV quest::faction(419, -30); # Faction: Kromrif quest::faction(448, -30); # Faction: Kromzek quest::exp(80000); } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer == 1) { $npc->SetAppearance(3); quest::say("Ohhhh, someone... help, please..."); } elsif ($timer == 2) { quest::depop_withtimer(); } elsif ($timer == 3) { $flag = 0; } } sub EVENT_ATTACK { # In case he's attacked $npc->SetAppearance(0); } # Quest by mystic414
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022