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Icefang.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# Part of Coldain Ring 6 Quest my $icefang; sub EVENT_SIGNAL { if ($signal == 1161101) { quest::moveto(3213, -8064, 146); $icefang = 10; } elsif ($signal == 1161102) { quest::SetRunning(1); quest::moveto(1803, -7757, 193); $icefang = 25; } } sub EVENT_WAYPOINT_DEPART { if ($icefang == 10) { quest::moveto(3235, -7970, 146); $icefang = 20; } elsif ($icefang == 20) { quest::signalwith(116567, 116567, 0); # NPC: Korrigain $icefang = 0; } elsif ($icefang == 25) { quest::moveto(1401, -7748, 210); $icefang = 30; } elsif ($icefang == 30) { quest::moveto(1030, -7713, 196); $icefang = 40; } elsif ($icefang == 40) { quest::moveto(793, -7685, 179); $icefang = 50; } elsif ($icefang == 50) { quest::moveto(273, -7149, 146); $icefang = 60; } elsif ($icefang == 60) { quest::moveto(165, -6949, 169); $icefang = 70; } elsif ($icefang == 70) { quest::moveto(61, -6753, 180); $icefang = 80; } elsif ($icefang == 80) { quest::moveto(-159, -6331, 157); $icefang = 90; } elsif ($icefang == 90) { quest::moveto(-263, -5697, 164); $icefang = 100; } elsif ($icefang == 100) { quest::moveto(-394, -5054, 146); $icefang = 110; } elsif ($icefang == 110) { quest::moveto(-171, -4746, 219); $icefang = 120; } elsif ($icefang == 120) { quest::moveto(25, -4538, 158); $icefang = 125; } elsif ($icefang == 125) { quest::moveto(-300, -4353, 182); $icefang = 130; } elsif ($icefang == 130) { quest::moveto(-604, -4180, 243); $icefang = 135; } elsif ($icefang == 135) { quest::moveto(-850, -4050, 207); $icefang = 137; } elsif ($icefang == 137) { quest::moveto(-1158, -3800, 155); $icefang = 140; } elsif ($icefang == 140) { quest::moveto(-1368, -3686, 195); $icefang = 145; } elsif ($icefang == 145) { quest::moveto(-1688, -3450, 154); $icefang = 150; } elsif ($icefang == 150) { quest::moveto(-2095, -3147, 228); $icefang = 160; } elsif ($icefang == 160) { quest::moveto(-3024, -3156, 147); $icefang = 170; } elsif ($icefang == 170) { quest::emote("sniffs the ground and growls."); quest::moveto(-3730, -3305, 197); quest::settimer("icefang", 600); $icefang = 180; my $entid = quest::spawn2(116571, 0, 0, -4319, -3500, 150, 0); # NPC: ringsixcoord my $mob = $entity_list->GetMobID($entid); my $mobnpc = $mob->CastToNPC(); $mobnpc->SignalNPC(1); } elsif ($icefang == 180) { quest::SetRunning(0); quest::moveto(-4404, -3354, 146); $icefang = 190; } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer eq "icefang") { quest::stoptimer("icefang"); # made text up quest::emote("blends into the snowy landscape and disappears from sight."); quest::depop_withtimer(); } } # Quest by mystic414
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022