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Corbin_Blackwell.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 1046, 30162 my $corbin = undef; sub EVENT_SPAWN { if ($npc->GetNPCTypeID() == 116119) { $corbin = $npc; quest::settimer("down",1); } } sub EVENT_HP { if ($inchpevent == 50) { quest::emote(" sits up with a groan of effort."); $npc->SetAppearance(1); quest::setnextinchpevent(75); } elsif ($inchpevent == 75) { quest::emote(" heaves himself heavily to his feet."); $npc->SetAppearance(0); quest::settimer("down", 5); } } sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/hail/i && $npc->GetGrid() == 0) { quest::say("Hurry! There's not much time. Give me the key and show me proof that you are a friend sent to rescue me..."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 1046 => 1, 30162 => 1)) { quest::say("I thought I was a dwarfskin rug there for a minute! Thank Brell for your help stranger! Now cover me while I make good my escape. I am weakened and cannot endure much more."); quest::summonitem(30162); # Item: Mithril Coldain Insignia Ring $corbin2 = quest::spawn2(2000944, 234, 0, $x, $y, $z, $h); $mob = $entity_list->GetMobID($corbin2); $mobnpc = $mob->CastToNPC(); $mobnpc->SetHP( $mobnpc->GetMaxHP() * 0.84 ); quest::depop_withtimer(); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } sub EVENT_WAYPOINT_DEPART { if ($wp == 39) { quest::say("Uh oh, looks like they were tipped off somehow... I hope you can handle them."); quest::spawn2(116569, 0, 0, -2139, 168, 150, 114); # NPC: Commander_Bahreck quest::settimer("depop", 1200); } } sub EVENT_WAYPOINT_ARRIVE { if ($npc->GetGrid() == 235 && $wp == 18) { quest::say("I have escaped! With the help of our friends here I was saved from certain death. We are in their debt."); quest::signalwith(116118, 1, 1000); # NPC: Dobbin_Crossaxe quest::settimer("depop", 30); } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer eq "depop") { quest::stoptimer("depop"); quest::depop(); } elsif ($timer eq "down") { quest::stoptimer("down"); # Makes guards emote flavor text quest::signalwith(116114, 116119, 500); # NPC: a_Ry`Gorr_prison_guard quest::signalwith(116527, 116119, 500); # NPC: a_Ry`Gorr_prison_guard quest::signalwith(116102, 116119, 500); # NPC: a_Ry`Gorr_prison_guard quest::settimer("resethp", 1); } elsif ($timer eq "resethp") { quest::stoptimer("resethp"); $npc->SetHP( $npc->GetMaxHP() * 0.30 ); quest::setnextinchpevent(50); $npc->SetAppearance(3); } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { quest::stoptimer("depop"); quest::spawn2(2000944, 235, 0, $x, $y, $z, $h); quest::depop(); } sub EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE { quest::stoptimer("depop"); } #END of FILE Zone:eastwastes ID:116145 ID:2000944 -- Corbin_Blackwell
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022