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Boridain_Glacierbane.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# Coldain Ring: Quest 2 # items: 30265, 30266, 30267 sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Hello stranger, I am Boridain, master hunter of the Coldain. Glad to meet you."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 30265 => 1)) { quest::say("Say! This looks just like the axe my uncle uses. With this I can kill the beast for sure! Now please, be very quiet, I must track my prey. I won't return to Thurgadin without the hide of the rabid tundra kodiak!"); $mobid = quest::spawn2(116191, 0, 0, 1547, -2459, 306.5, 0); # NPC: Boridain_Glacierbane $mob = $entity_list->GetMobID($mobid); $mobnpc = $mob->CastToNPC(); $mobnpc->SignalNPC(1); quest::depop_withtimer(); } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 30266 => 1)) { quest::say("Yes! I've done it! The vile beast is finally dead. I will at last be revered as the mighty hunter I am. Here is your axe back, I broke it on the killing blow. Take it as proof that you are a friend of the greatest hunter in the history of the Coldain!"); quest::summonitem(30267); # Item: Broken Axe quest::exp(5000); } } my $nap = 0; my $ks = 0; sub EVENT_WAYPOINT_ARRIVE { if ($wp == 5) { quest::say("Boy, all this hunting sure does make ya hungry! Time for a snack."); $npc->SetAppearance(1); } elsif ($wp == 12) { #loc 1286 -1786 175 if ($nap == 0) { quest::emote("yawns."); quest::say("All this tracking is makin me mighty sleepy. Time for a little nap. You keep a lookout."); $npc->SetAppearance(3); $nap = 1; } else { quest::say("Back to that nap. You keep a lookout."); $npc->SetAppearance(3); } } elsif ($wp == 17 && $ks == 0) { #loc 1530 -2491 306 $ks = 1; quest::say("Who am I kidding, I'm no hunter. I'll never be a hunter. I may as well give up and become a miner like dad."); $npc->SetAppearance(1); $kodiak = quest::spawn2(116545, 231, 0, 1559, -2304, 313, 251); # NPC: Rabid_Tundra_Kodiak $mob = $entity_list->GetMobID($kodiak); $mobnpc = $mob->CastToNPC(); $mobnpc->MoveTo(1530, -2491, 306); quest::settimer(2,300); } } sub EVENT_WAYPOINT_DEPART { if ($wp == 0) { #loc 1760 -2468 192 quest::say("Hmmm, fresh prints. They're HUGE! This must be it! This hunting stuff is easier than I thought."); } elsif ($wp == 3) { #loc 2902 -1770 146 quest::pause(5); quest::say("Hmm, that wasn't him. Let's see now, if I were a rabid tundra beast where would I go? This way!"); } elsif ($wp == 6) { #loc 973 -1131 212 $npc->SetAppearance(0); quest::say("Ahh, that's better. Back to the hunt... I think I hear something over yonder. Stay low."); } elsif ($wp == 9) { #loc 277 -6 -5 quest::say("Where did that vile beast go now? Wait, what's that over there? Could it be? Only one way to find out!"); } elsif ($wp == 12) { #loc 1286 -1786 175 $npc->SetAppearance(0); $npc->SetHP($npc->GetMaxHP()); quest::emote("stretches."); quest::say("Ahh, refreshing! Back to work... I think I smell the beast! This way."); } elsif ($wp == 15) { #loc 424 -3464 145 quest::say("I just don't get it. I thought that was him for sure. I don't see any sign of him now."); } elsif ($wp == 17) { #loc 1530 -2491 306 $npc->SetAppearance(0); } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer == 1) { quest::stoptimer(1); quest::start(271); } if ($timer == 2) { quest::depop_withtimer(); } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { # We just got the signal to get moving quest::settimer(1,3); } sub EVENT_AGGRO { # In case he's aggroed while sitting/sleeping $npc->SetAppearance(0); } # Quest by mystic414
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022