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Sir_Morgan.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--############# --#Quest Name: Sir Morgan's Armor --#Author: Blaz --#NPCs Involved: 1 --#Items Involved: 5 Gold for a random reward --################# -- items: 2106, 2112, 2041, 13944, 2307, 3829, 1331, 17002, 7012, 8306, 10006, 10019, 5013, 5019, 5021, 5022, 6011, 5023, 7007, 7008 function event_waypoint_arrive(e) if(e.wp == 1) then e.self:Say("Hello, Wimbley, old chap!"); elseif(e.wp == 8) then e.self:Say("Almost there..."); elseif(e.wp == 9) then e.self:Say("Well, here we are! It is just a short jaunt through the pass ahead. Just remember to take the high road. I'm off, then. Good luck!"); e.self:SetRunning(true); elseif(e.wp == 10) then e.self:SetRunning(false); end end function event_say(e) if(e.message:findi("an escort")) then e.self:Say("I shall be honored to escort you to Highpass, but you shall have to wait for a spell. I make trips every few hours. I also would be grateful to any who wish to donate gold coins to the upkeep of my armor. The rains in the plains cause much rusting."); elseif(e.message:findi("travel alone")) then e.self:Say("Then, good luck to you! May your faith protect you. Or at the very least, guide you to a grand afterlife."); end end function event_trade(e) local item_lib = require("items"); if(item_lib.check_turn_in(e.trade, {gold = 5})) then e.self:Say("What a grand donation!! You must be a rich noble to be making such a donation. Here, I am but a simple warrior, but I found this lying on the highway to Highpass Hold. The lifeless corpse next to it had no more need of it."); e.other:SummonItem(eq.ChooseRandom(2106,2112,2041,13944,2307,3829,1331,17002,7012,8306,10006,10019,5013,5019,5021,5022,6011,5023,7007,7008)); --Patchwork cloak, Patchwork boots, Rusty Weapons, Silver Earring, Bloodstone, Halfling knife, Bronze Dagger, Belt pouch, Damask cap, Mountain Lion Cape, Highkeep Flask, Snakeskin Mask, Drom's Champagne e.other:Ding(); e.other:Faction(262,1,0); -- Guards of Qeynos e.other:Faction(345,1,0); -- Karana Residents e.other:Faction(341,1,0); -- Priests of Life e.other:Faction(280,1,0); -- Knights of Thunder e.other:AddEXP(500); end item_lib.return_items(e.self, e.other, e.trade) end -- END of FILE Zone:eastkarana ID:15048 -- Sir_Morgan
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022