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gem_cutter_skeleton.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
############# #Quest Name: A dufrenite for a boon #Author: BWStripes #NPC's Involved: 1 #Items involved: 1 ############# ###NPC 1 #Name: Gem_Cutter_Skeleton #Race 367 (Human Skeleton), Texture of 0, Size 6, gender of 2 #Location X,Y,Z: 9368.0, 580.0, 1068.2 in Dreadlands #Level: 23,25,27 depending on pop, has PHs #Type: Mob/Quest NPC #Reward: #12946: Dread Diamond ############# ###Item 1 #Name: Dufrenite #ID: 10073 ### # items: 10073, 12946 #This mob, usually KoS had to be charmed by an enchanter/bard before he would talk. #Text is completely improvised. Yes, I know its actually the drumming anim, but its close. #Quest for Guard Elron in North Qeynos sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i){ quest::doanim(39); quest::emote("appears to be busy cutting a green gem; upon your greeting, it jumps, fleshless hands slipping carelessly and breaking the gem into powder."); quest::settimer("distracted",2); } if($text=~/green gem/i){ quest::say("The greenest of gems I seek! Jade too brittle, emerald too hard, but [dufrenite]! Ahh, now there is a gem amongst gems."); } if($text=~/dufrenite/i){ quest::say("Yes, dufrenite! Find me a dufrenite to replace the one you made me break. Now go!"); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,10073=>1)) { quest::emote("eyes sparkle as you hand it the gem."); quest::say("Yes! Yes! This is the greenest of gems!"); quest::summonitem("12946"); quest::say("Worth more to you crushed, that is! Find a spectral pestle, and crush it to dust!"); quest::exp("3000"); quest::settimer("cutting",4); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer eq "distracted") { quest::doanim(20); quest::say("Blast it! Distracted me you have! Now I need a new [green gem]!"); quest::stoptimer("distracted"); } if ($timer eq "cutting") { quest::emote("carries on cutting gems, oblivious to your presence."); quest::doanim(39); quest::stoptimer("cutting"); } } #END of FILE Zone: dreadlands -- gem_cutter_skeleton
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022