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#Filligno_the_Slayer.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--dranik/#Filligno_the_Slayer.lua NPCID 336098 --ShadowKnight Epic 2.0 -- items: 24584, 47100, 55903, 50003 local count function event_say(e) local qglobals = eq.get_qglobals(e.other); if(e.message:findi("ready") and qglobals["shadowknight_epic"] == "11") then e.self:Emote("throws Lhranc's earthly anchor and the globe of discordant energy above his head. To your amazement, they begin to hover."); e.self:Say("Oh mighty, Lhranc! We have slain your minions and have the blade that you seek! If you want it, come get it!' Filligno looks your way. 'What? You wanted a more elaborate incantion? It really doesn't take much to anger him. Trust me.' A moment later the ground begins to shake and a mighty voice booms out, 'Fools, I have followed the steps of this pathetic weakling who believes themselves to be a shadowknight. Now your lives will end and I will retrieve the blade destined to be mine! All of Norrath will fall before the might of the Mata Muram! Attack! Leave none standing!"); e.self:Emote("begins to cower in fear."); e.self:Say("The blade isn't mine! Don't kill me! Please!"); eq.spawn2(336251,0,0, 1001.5,2418.5,-25.1,200) --#a_Minion_of_Lhranc count = 0 end end function event_trade(e) local item_lib = require("items"); local qglobals = eq.get_qglobals(e.other); if(qglobals["shadowknight_epic"] == "10" and item_lib.check_turn_in(e.trade, {item1 = 24584, item2 = 47100})) then --hand in Lhranc's Earthly Anchor (received from previous step), and Globe of Discordant Energy (from Citadel of Anquish) e.self:Say("Yes, yes, Gilina said you would be coming. I can help you in your battle against Lhranc! I have a personal vendetta against Lhranc. He killed my twin brother, Gilligno. This is going to be a tough battle. Lhranc has been reincarnated as a powerful general of the Mata Muram army. Are you [" ..eq.say_link('ready', false, 'ready') .. "] for me to attempt the summoning of Lhranc?"); eq.set_global("shadowknight_epic","11",5,"F"); end if(qglobals["shadowknight_epic"] == "11" and item_lib.check_turn_in(e.trade, {item1 = 55903, item2 = 50003})) then --hand in Essence of the Shadowknight (dropped by Lhranc), and Innoruuk's Voice (Epic 1.5) e.self:Emote("takes the essence and begins to study it most carefully. After what seems like an eternity, Filligno throws the globe onto the floor. It cracks open, letting loose a stream of ghastly spirits. Filligno dives for cover. As the cackling spirits dissipate, a powerful looking sword floats in mid-air before you."); e.self:Say("Take it! The blade is yours! A gift from Innoruuk, for the most powerful of shadowknights!"); e.other:QuestReward(e.self,{itemid=48136, exp=50000}); --Innoruuk's Dark Blessing (Epic 2.0) e.other:AddAAPoints(10); e.other:Message(15,'You have gained 10 ability points!'); eq.set_global("shadowknight_epic","12",5,"F"); end item_lib.return_items(e.self, e.other, e.trade); end function event_signal(e) if(e.signal == 1) then --Minion of Lhranc dead count = count + 1; if(count == 1) then eq.spawn2(336251,0,0, 987.5,2407.5,-25.1,200) --#a_Minion_of_Lhranc eq.spawn2(336251,0,0, 1021.5,2431.5,-25.1,200) --#a_Minion_of_Lhranc elseif(count > 2) then eq.spawn2(336250 ,0,0, 1001.5,2418.5,-25.1,200) --#Lhranc end elseif(e.signal == 2) then --Lhranc dead e.self:Say("You have done it! That wasn't so bad, eh? Oh, I wasn't really scared. He just startled me for a moment. You now have in your grasp the very essence of the power that shadowknight's possess! Hand it to me along with Innoruuk's Voice and I can reward you!"); end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022