Lissa T`Born - Sold Items
Item plat Gold Silver Copper Item Type AC Mana HP
Spell: Annul Magic
66 9 3 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Antidote
99 5 5 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Banish Summoned
26 4 0 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Bulwark of Faith
90 7 9 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Celestial Elixir
105 9 3 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Divine Light
66 7 4 4 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Dread of Night
57 7 7 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Exile Undead
79 2 0 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Heroism
62 0 5 8 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Remedy
58 5 9 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Reviviscence
85 0 5 8 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Symbol of Marzin
73 8 3 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022