skeletal hierophant - Drop Tables
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
2326_Skeletal_Hierophant_Trade STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Rune of Ap`Sagor
18.15 2
Words of Domination
18.7 2
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
2326_Skeletal_Hierophant_Misc STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Scroll of the Dark
35 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
2320_skeletal_hierophant_wear STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Brell's Keg Popper
0.35 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
159132_skeletal_hierophant_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Fire Opal
1.724 1
Fire Emerald
0.575 1
1.724 1
0.575 1
Black Sapphire
0.287 1
0.575 1
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 378
1.724 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 379
1.724 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 400
1.724 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 415
0.575 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 416
1.437 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 449
0.575 2
Rune of Concussion
0.862 2
Rune of Rathe
1.149 2
Rune of Frost
1.149 2
Rune of the Astral
0.862 2
Rune of Impetus
0.862 2
Rune of Crippling
1.149 2
Tears of Prexus
0.575 2
Words of Bondage
1.437 2
Breath of Ro
1.149 2
Wing of Xegony
0.862 2
Words of Acquisition (Beza)
1.149 2
Words of Odus
1.149 2
Words of the Ethereal
1.724 2
Words of Crippling Force
0.575 2
Spell: Reckoning
0.575 1
Spell: Form of the Howler
0.862 1
Spell: Tunare`s Request
0.287 1
Spell: Spirit of the Howler
0.287 1
Spell: Acumen
0.575 1
Spell: Pillar of Lightning
0.575 1
Spell: Draught of Jiva
0.287 1
Spell: Evacuate
0.287 1
Spell: Dementia
0.575 1
Spell: Enlightenment
0.287 1
Spell: Augment
0.287 1
Complex Gold Gem Dusted Rune
0.287 2
Complex Platinum Gem Dusted Rune
0.287 2
Velium Gem Dusted Rune
0.575 2
Complex Velium Gem Dusted Rune
0.862 2
Exquisite Velium Gem Dusted Rune
1.437 2
Velium Gemmed Rune
0.287 2
Rune of Flash
0.287 2
Rune of Gale
0.287 2
Words of Tenancy
0.575 2
Part of Zeannor's Thesis Pg. 12
0.287 2
Part of Keris' Dissertation Pg. 7
0.287 2
Pickled Froglok Eye
1.437 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
159133_skeletal_hierophant_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Star Ruby
3.448 1
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 450
2.299 2
Words of Grappling
2.299 2
Sunshard Pebble
2.299 2
Gold Gem Dusted Rune
2.011 2
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
159134_skeletal_hierophant_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Bone Chips
41.954 2
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022