froglok ilis shaman - Drop Tables
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
2009_Froglok_Ilis_Knight_Wear STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
0.5 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
2010_Froglok_Ilis_Shaman_Trade STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Star Ruby
1.5 1
Fire Emerald
1.35 1
1.35 1
1.35 1
Black Sapphire
1.35 1
1.35 1
1.35 1
Green Froglok Skin
1.35 2
Blue Diamond
1.35 1
Froglok Blood
1.35 2
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
159046_froglok_ilis_shaman_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Iksar Hide Boots
0.55 1
Spell: Spirit of the Storm
0.092 1
Star Ruby Earring
0.183 1
Fire Emerald Ring
0.642 1
Sapphire Necklace
0.275 1
Ruby Crown
0.458 1
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 378
1.65 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 379
0.55 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 400
1.283 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 401
1.375 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 415
1.192 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 416
0.55 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 449
0.917 2
Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 450
0.733 2
Rune of Concussion
1.283 2
Rune of Rathe
1.742 2
Rune of Ap`Sagor
1.558 2
Rune of Frost
1.742 2
Rune of Impetus
1.558 2
Rune of Crippling
1.008 2
Tears of Prexus
1.467 2
Words of Bondage
1.558 2
Breath of Ro
1.192 2
Wing of Xegony
0.825 2
Words of Requisition
1.1 2
Words of Acquisition (Beza)
1.008 2
Words of Grappling
1.65 2
Words of Odus
1.008 2
Words of the Ethereal
0.733 2
Words of Crippling Force
1.375 2
Spell: Reckoning
0.092 1
Spell: Trepidation
0.183 1
Spell: Form of the Howler
0.092 1
Spell: Tunare`s Request
0.458 1
Spell: Breath of Karana
0.183 1
Spell: Succor
0.367 1
Spell: Cannibalize III
0.092 1
Spell: Spirit of the Howler
0.092 1
Spell: Acumen
0.092 1
Spell: Talisman of the Brute
0.275 1
Spell: Thrall of Bones
0.092 1
Spell: Levant
0.183 1
Spell: Conjure Corpse
0.092 1
Spell: Pillar of Lightning
0.092 1
Spell: Draught of Jiva
0.183 1
Spell: Scars of Sigil
0.183 1
Spell: Call of the Hero
0.092 1
Spell: Dementia
0.183 1
Spell: Wind of Tashani
0.367 1
Spell: Eye of Tallon
0.183 1
Spell: Augment
0.275 1
Spell: Infusion
0.092 1
Supple Loam
0.367 2
Natural Spinneret Fluid
0.183 2
Consigned Bite of the Shissar IX
0.55 2
Pickled Froglok Eye
1.742 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
159047_froglok_ilis_shaman_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Fire Opal
2.841 1
Rune of the Astral
2.841 2
Crystallized Sulfur
4.858 2
Sunshard Pebble
4.858 2
Binding Powder
8.249 2
Steamfont Geysers
4.308 2
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
159048_froglok_ilis_shaman_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Nodding Blue Lily
38.588 2
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022