a gibbering breeder offspring - Spawn Locs
Zone Coords Chance per day Respawn
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-885, 963, 37)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-717, 918, 66)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-627, 1188, -55)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-1010, 902, 55)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-358, 1066, -57)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-305, 1154, 53)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-439, 700, -63)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-892, 381, 56)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-268, 625, -68)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-226, 481, -70)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(90, 1090, -62)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-62, 524, -11)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-1204, 197, -39)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(205, 905, 48)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-425, 123, -66)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-690, 32, -60)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(57, 442, -46)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-1503, 240, -29)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-1107, 12, -50)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-780, -135, -57)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-1214, -168, 48)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-624, -271, -61)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(98, -431, -16)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(922, 594, 48)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(577, -256, -23)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-523, -964, 45)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-694, -105, 3)
100 135 10m 40s
Evantil, the Vile Oak
(-787, -396, 17)
100 135 10m 40s
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022