Silla Herald - Sold Items
Item plat Gold Silver Copper Item Type AC Mana HP
Song: Dirge of the Fallen Rathe
1373 7 9 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Song: Fatesong of the Gelidran
1375 3 4 7 Scroll 0 0 0
Song: Gorenaire's Chant of Frost
1343 8 5 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Song: Pulse of Rodcet
1372 3 4 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Aina's Faithful
1350 2 2 5 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Aspect of Water
1353 1 8 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Aura of Loyalty
1342 4 7 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Bark of Tashan
1342 3 9 8 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Beam of Molten Scoria
1340 8 2 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Befuddle
1348 8 7 5 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Blood of Laarthik
1366 4 4 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Bloodreaper's Shade
1341 0 8 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Brierbloom Bulwark
1344 7 7 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Cadmael's Mending
1364 1 9 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Cloak of Feathers
1348 2 0 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Cloudburst Levin
1364 6 3 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Coldwhisper Breath
1345 0 5 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Crush of the Crying Seas
1346 9 1 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Devout Elixir
1361 7 4 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Distract the Departed
1351 6 2 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Divine Eminence
1373 5 4 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Empyrean Guardian
1353 8 7 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Fellid's Grasp
1340 0 7 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Feralization
1369 9 3 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Gallantry
1356 2 4 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Granvida
1342 5 3 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Harvesting Inferno
1367 8 4 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Heartwood Skin
1369 3 6 8 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Hushed Mind
1338 8 8 8 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Leap of Static Jolts
1364 2 5 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Lesson of Compunction
1375 6 4 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Minax's Mending
1367 1 9 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Mortal Coil
1375 6 7 7 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Plague of the Karanas
1369 3 1 7 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Promised Reknit
1355 7 6 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Putrescence
1340 5 3 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Rain of Molten Scoria
1370 2 7 7 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Reprehend
1347 7 4 7 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Scent of Gloom
1369 2 3 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Seduction
1345 6 9 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Serene Harvest
1357 2 8 7 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Shining Light
1374 4 5 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Shock of Discordant Steel
1354 3 0 8 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Shroud of the Blightborn
1355 0 5 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Spiritual Verve
1349 9 3 7 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Strength of the Tracker
1365 4 1 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Symbol of Jeneca
1359 0 6 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Talendor's Presence
1346 7 8 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Tsetsian Endemic
1350 9 1 8 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Wand of Ethereal Transvergence
1358 1 8 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Ward of Admonishment
1363 9 2 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Windwhip Bite
1352 0 4 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Tome of Chrono Projection
1363 0 5 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Tome of Distressing Scream
1355 1 0 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Tome of Fourth Wind
898 4 4 8 Scroll 0 0 0
Tome of Jugular Slice
1356 4 7 4 Scroll 0 0 0
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022