Assistant Josic - Sold Items
Item plat Gold Silver Copper Item Type AC Mana HP
Song: Chorus of Rodcet
1419 4 1 7 Scroll 0 0 0
Song: Dance of the Dragorn
1408 8 5 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Song: Druzzil's Psalm of Potency
1423 0 0 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Song: Severilous' Chant of Poison
1431 4 1 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Song: Talendor's Aria
1426 9 3 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Aegis of Xadrith
1422 3 4 5 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Ancestral Obligation
1419 7 9 8 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Armor of Unwavering Faith
1410 9 1 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Aspect of Fire
1434 2 6 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Bone-Rattling Shriek
1418 6 1 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Brierbloom Coat
1421 6 1 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Burynai Balm
1439 5 7 4 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Cataclysm Ash
1428 8 3 4 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Corpseskin
1429 4 7 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Dannal's Mending
1422 3 9 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Devout Cleansing
1418 1 8 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Devout Light
1424 2 9 5 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Docility
1405 2 3 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Earthen Stance
1426 7 2 5 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Flarelure
1410 4 0 5 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Gift of Sathir
1440 3 6 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Halcyon Whisper
1429 2 5 7 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Heartpierce
1444 0 9 8 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Horde of the Hive
1414 4 2 5 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Icy Stitches
1429 2 2 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Leap of Lightning Sprites
1434 0 6 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Minion of Sebilis
1420 9 5 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Morning's Glory
1441 5 8 7 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Nethermist Guard
1442 4 0 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Palladium of Vie
1422 2 1 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Polychaotic Assault
1411 4 3 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Prescience
1410 5 8 8 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Providence
1443 5 3 4 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Renewal of Cadwin
1411 1 6 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Repel Corruption
1427 2 0 5 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Ribbon Lightning
1408 6 8 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Sermon of Castigation
1434 2 4 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Skin to Flora
1411 6 4 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Smother
1431 3 1 5 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Sound of Reverberance
1415 3 4 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Spinecoat
1411 1 2 8 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Spirit of Hoshkar
1404 9 9 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Squamae of the Crystalwing
1441 0 2 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Summon Ethereal Armaments
1418 9 4 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Torrid Sands
1409 3 1 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Torrid Skin
1423 3 6 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Unrivaled Rapidity
1412 5 5 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Venril's Covenant
1410 5 8 5 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Voidwhisper Manacles
1438 9 0 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Yowl of the Predator
1404 7 7 4 Scroll 0 0 0
Tome of Armor of Endless Honor
1436 1 2 1 Scroll 0 0 0
Tome of Bleed
1436 5 3 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Tome of Blood Hatchet
1442 0 4 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Tome of Echo of Distraction
1416 3 6 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Tome of Lesson in Toxicity
1416 9 6 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Tome of Malarian Carapace
1428 7 6 5 Scroll 0 0 0
Tome of Temple Bash
1443 3 9 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Tome of Withstand
1420 6 7 4 Scroll 0 0 0
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022