Karri - Sold Items
Item plat Gold Silver Copper Item Type AC Mana HP
Durus Faycite Shard: Mystifying Flash
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Durus Faycite Shard: Tjudawos' Chant of Flame
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Durus Faycite Shard: Trial for Honor
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Enamelled Minotaur Waraxe
35000 0 0 0 1H Slashing 18 245 265
Irae Faycite Shard: Chaos Conflagration
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Irae Faycite Shard: Inizen's and Glacial Collapse
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Irae Faycite Shard: Nature's Burning Wrath
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Irae Faycite Shard: Rotmarrow Spear
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Irae Faycite Shard: Ruinous Venin
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Irae Faycite Shard: Shock of Many
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Irae Faycite Shard: Venonscale Venom
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Salus Faycite Shard: Gemmi's Mending
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Salus Faycite Shard: Solemn Light
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Song: Kaerra's Spirited Crescendo Rk. II
2273 2 8 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Bite of the Brownie Rk. II
1713 0 3 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Chaos Conflagration Rk. II
1592 0 9 4 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Fernspike Rk. II
1303 8 5 4 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Nature's Burning Wrath Rk. II
1595 4 9 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Rancorous Servant Rk. II
1547 4 4 8 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Rolist's Drowse Rk. II
1665 9 3 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Runic Swirl Aura Rk. II
1216 4 7 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Shock of Many Rk. II
1539 6 1 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Venonscale Venom Rk. II
1506 1 3 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Tempus Faycite Shard: Heartsting
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Tempus Faycite Shard: Knuckle Smash
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Tempus Faycite Shard: Temple Strike
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Tempus Faycite Shard: Third Wind
12000 0 0 0 Augmentation 0 0 0
Tome of Harrow Rk. II
2499 8 5 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Tome of Jolting Snapkicks Rk. II
2093 3 4 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Tome of Last Gasp Rk. II
2530 0 1 4 Scroll 0 0 0
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022