Rang Kelliam - Sold Items
Item plat Gold Silver Copper Item Type AC Mana HP
Spell: Adrenaline Surge
825 0 6 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Beast's Beckoning
655 7 3 7 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Blessing of the Direwild
829 4 1 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Blistering Sunray
656 3 8 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Chant of the Napaea
786 9 4 5 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Cloudburst Hail
663 0 8 4 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Cure Corruption
654 7 5 0 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Direwild Skin
694 2 0 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Direwood Guard
785 1 4 5 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Equinox Burn
768 0 0 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Gale of the Stormborn
658 0 7 7 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Icefall Breath
702 1 8 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Legacy of Viridiflora
817 4 4 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Mammoth's Strength
666 4 1 4 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Nature's Blazing Wrath
547 8 9 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Pure Life
690 8 7 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Resist Corruption
484 5 3 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Rime Crystals
816 0 0 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Second Life
820 9 9 2 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Skin to Vines
729 6 6 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Sunscorch
779 1 6 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Swarm of Fireants
731 0 7 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Tectonic Quake
525 0 4 6 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Viridicoat
746 3 3 4 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Viridifloral Shield
694 8 0 9 Scroll 0 0 0
Spell: Winter's Flame
744 1 8 3 Scroll 0 0 0
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022