a Stillmoon harmony - Drop Tables
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
106481_a_Stillmoon_harmony_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Black Pearl
0.888 1
0.74 2
Star Ruby
0.888 1
0.592 1
Black Sapphire
0.444 1
0.74 1
0.592 1
Refined Binding Powder
0.148 2
Uncut Alexandrite
0.148 2
Uncut Jacinth
0.148 2
Uncut Demantoid
0.148 2
Silkworm Larva
0.592 2
0.592 2
Drake Saliva
0.888 2
Mature Drake Saliva
0.148 2
Luminous Ivy
0.148 2
Starshine Moss
0.444 2
0.74 2
Spiny Fruit
0.148 2
0.444 2
Deadly Ivy
0.296 2
Storm Cloud
0.74 2
Red Cups
0.296 2
Pitcher Plant
0.592 2
Sky Vine
0.592 2
0.444 2
Draconic Essence
0.148 2
Nettle Creeper
0.592 2
Blue Nightwort
0.444 2
Marsh Algae
0.148 2
Nest Drake Egg
0.74 2
Drake Intestines
0.74 2
Deep Forest Mushroom
0.74 2
0.888 2
Drake Wing Bones
0.444 2
Scale Ore
0.296 2
Jagged Drake Tooth
0.592 1
Drake Claw
0.444 1
Hooked Drake Claw
0.296 1
Sash of the Way
0.148 1
Shield of the Way
0.148 1
Purescale Ore
0.444 2
Glossy Drake Hide
0.296 2
Metallic Drake Scales
0.592 2
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
106482_a_Stillmoon_harmony_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 2 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
1.183 2
3.55 2
2.219 2
Fire Opal
1.183 1
Fire Emerald
1.627 1
1.627 1
Blue Diamond
1.183 1
Sunshard Pebble
4.438 2
Binding Powder
8.58 2
Intricate Binding Powder
1.036 2
Nest Drake Meat
1.183 2
Coarse Salt
1.331 2
Small Drake Wing
9.615 1
Chipped Drake Claw
4.438 1
Drake Wing
2.367 1
Giant Drake Wing
2.071 1
Drake Bone Fragment
1.331 1
Fractured Drake Claw
11.095 2
Razor-Sharp Drake Claw
2.367 2
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022