an aneuk fleshthreader - Spawn Locs
Zone Coords Chance per day Respawn
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(134, 427, -419)
17 4.08 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(107, 379, -421)
20 4.8 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(-105, 183, -408)
17 8.16 30m
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(62, 155, -411)
12 2.88 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(98, 177, -411)
12 2.88 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(-35, 817, -360)
15 3.6 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(-200, 261, -418)
25 6 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(-97, 356, -421)
12 2.88 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(221, 176, -421)
13 3.12 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(380, 18, -419)
20 4.8 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(41, 361, -418)
17 4.08 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(-309, 729, -372)
16 3.84 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(-232, 724, -372)
25 6 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(275, -151, -418)
34 8.16 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(261, -124, -419)
25 6 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(-181, 605, -373)
20 4.8 59m 28s - 1h 32s
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(150, -12, -436)
10 3.2 45m
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(132, -76, -436)
10 3.2 45m
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(76, -30, -439)
10 3.2 45m
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(79, 63, -436)
10 3.2 45m
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(-91, 72, -436)
10 3.2 45m
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(-93, -7, -435)
10 3.2 45m
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(-87, -54, -437)
10 3.2 45m
Txevu, Lair of the Elite
(-165, -15, -436)
10 3.2 45m
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022