a tro jeg shaman - Drop Tables
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
10909_a_grol_baku_raider_Wear STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Spiny Mace
25 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
139525_a_tro_jeg_shaman_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Sun Jewel
0.694 1
Moon Jewel
0.926 1
Star Jewel
0.926 1
Cloud Jewel
0.926 1
Sky Jewel
0.926 1
Meteor Jewel
0.463 1
Astral Jewel
0.463 1
Fire Emerald
0.926 1
1.157 2
1.62 2
1.852 2
1.389 2
Faded Velishoul's Tome Page
0.463 2
Velishoul's Tome Pg. 109
0.231 2
Salil's Writ Pg. 64
0.231 2
Faded Salil's Writ Page
0.694 2
Faded Salil's Writ Page
0.231 2
Salil's Writ Pg. 153
0.231 2
Salil's Writ Pg. 174
0.231 2
Salil's Writ Pg. 174
0.231 2
Salil's Writ Pg. 282
0.463 2
Salil's Writ Pg. 288
0.231 2
Rune of Al'Kabor
0.694 2
Rune of Xegony
0.463 2
Rune of Karana
0.231 2
Rune of Dismemberment
0.231 2
Rune of the Helix
0.694 2
Rune of Fulguration
0.231 2
Rune of Sorcery
0.231 2
Rune of Concussion
0.231 2
Rune of the Catalyst
0.231 2
Rune of the Cyclone
0.231 2
Rune of Petrification
0.231 2
Rune of Tyranny
0.231 2
Rune of Paralysis
0.231 2
Rune of Embrace
0.231 2
Rune of Conception
0.231 2
Rune of Infraction
0.694 2
Glove of Rallos Zek
1.62 2
Flame of Vox
0.926 2
Words of Detention
0.231 2
Words of Duress
0.694 2
Words of Collection (Azia)
0.926 2
Words of Possession
0.231 2
Words of Haunting
0.231 2
Words of Rupturing
0.463 2
Words of Purification
0.463 2
Words of Acquisition (Azia)
0.231 2
Words of Dissemination
0.231 2
Words of Quivering
0.231 2
Words of Motion
0.231 2
Words of Neglect
0.463 2
Words of Efficacy
0.463 2
Words of Dark Paths
0.463 2
Words of the Suffering
0.231 2
Words of Descrying
0.231 2
Words of Seizure
0.463 2
Words of Disillusionment
0.694 2
Words of Projection
0.231 2
Words of the Spectre
0.231 2
Words of Collection (Beza)
0.231 2
Words of Convocation
0.926 2
Words of Cazic-Thule
0.694 2
Velishoul's Tome Pg.43
0.231 2
Velishoul's Tome Pg.44
0.463 2
Velishoul's Tome Pg.67
0.463 2
Malleable Loam
1.852 2
Supple Loam
0.231 2
Dry Marrow
0.231 2
Damp Marrow
0.231 2
Moist Marrow
0.231 2
Sullied Spinneret Fluid
0.231 2
Thick Spinneret Fluid
0.231 2
Crude Spinneret Fluid
1.157 2
Platinum Painted Rune
0.231 2
Simple Etched Rune
0.231 2
Simple Embossed Rune
0.694 2
Platinum Embossed Rune
0.694 2
Velium Embossed Rune
0.926 2
Platinum Silvered Rune
0.694 2
Complex Platinum Silvered Rune
1.389 2
Complex Velium Silvered Rune
0.463 2
Consigned Bite of the Shissar V
0.231 2
Consigned Bite of the Shissar VI
0.231 2
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
139526_a_tro_jeg_shaman_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 2 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Spiny Short Spear
9.028 1
Spiny Warhammer
10.185 1
Spiny Great Staff
10.88 1
Spiny Great Mace
12.731 1
Chunk of Condensed Flame
16.204 2
Sunshard Dust
8.333 2
Elementary Binding Powder
8.796 2
Modest Binding Powder
3.935 2
Large Gear #1
3.009 2
Large Reinforced Rod
3.472 2
Large Gear #2
4.398 2
Large Gear #3
4.861 2
Velium Silvered Rune
2.083 2
Bluegreen Rock
3.009 1
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
GLB-Rough-Defiant-Drop GLOBAL 1 1 0 2%
Item Chance Multiplier
Rough Defiant Plate Bracer
1 1
Rough Defiant Plate Gauntlets
1 1
Rough Defiant Plate Boots
1 1
Rough Defiant Plate Helm
1 1
Rough Defiant Plate Vambraces
1 1
Rough Defiant Plate Greaves
1 1
Rough Defiant Breastplate
1 1
Rough Defiant Chain Bracer
1 1
Rough Defiant Chain Gauntlets
1 1
Rough Defiant Chain Boots
1 1
Rough Defiant Chain Coif
1 1
Rough Defiant Chain Sleeves
1 1
Rough Defiant Chain Leggings
1 1
Rough Defiant Chain Tunic
1 1
Rough Defiant Leather Bracer
1 1
Rough Defiant Leather Gloves
1 1
Rough Defiant Leather Boots
1 1
Rough Defiant Leather Cap
1 1
Rough Defiant Leather Sleeves
1 1
Rough Defiant Leather Trousers
1 1
Rough Defiant Leather Tunic
1 1
Rough Defiant Cloth Wristwrap
1 1
Rough Defiant Cloth Gloves
1 1
Rough Defiant Cloth Sandals
1 1
Rough Defiant Cloth Cap
1 1
Rough Defiant Cloth Sleeves
1 1
Rough Defiant Cloth Pantaloons
1 1
Rough Defiant Cloth Robe
1 1
Rough Combatant's Stake
1 1
Rough Adept's Wand
1 1
Rough Defiant Nihilite Shard
1 1
Rough Defiant Trillion Amethyst
1 1
Rough Defiant Hammer
1 1
Rough Defiant Scepter
1 1
Rough Defiant Shortsword
1 1
Rough Defiant Longsword
1 1
Rough Defiant Stone Dagger
1 1
Rough Defiant Serrated Dagger
1 1
Rough Defiant Knuckle Dusters
1 1
Rough Defiant Spiked Staff
1 1
Rough Defiant Trident
1 1
Rough Defiant Halberd
1 1
Rough Defiant Bow
1 1
Rough Defiant Chitin Shield
1 1
Rough Defiant Round Shield
1 1
Rough Defiant Charm
1 1
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022