a grol baku guardian - Drop Tables
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
138144_a_grol_baku_guardian_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 1 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Sun Jewel
1.881 1
Moon Jewel
1.308 1
Cloud Jewel
1.799 1
Sky Jewel
1.635 1
Meteor Jewel
1.554 1
1.145 2
1.799 2
Faded Salil's Writ Page
0.082 2
Salil's Writ Pg. 174
1.472 2
Salil's Writ Pg. 174
0.327 2
Salil's Writ Pg. 282
0.981 2
Faded Salil's Writ Page
0.245 2
Faded Salil's Writ Page
0.082 2
Rune of Al'Kabor
1.635 2
Rune of the Combine
0.491 2
Rune of the Helix
1.717 2
Rune of Petrification
1.39 2
Rune of Tyranny
1.226 2
Rune of Paralysis
0.818 2
Rune of Embrace
1.39 2
Rune of Conception
0.818 2
Rune of Infraction
0.736 2
Glove of Rallos Zek
1.39 2
Flame of Vox
0.736 2
Words of Collection (Azia)
1.472 2
Words of the Suffering
0.654 2
Words of Descrying
1.226 2
Words of Seizure
0.981 2
Words of Disillusionment
1.39 2
Words of Projection
0.818 2
Words of the Spectre
0.491 2
Words of Bidding
0.818 2
Words of Collection (Beza)
0.245 2
Words of Convocation
1.717 2
Words of Cazic-Thule
1.145 2
Pliant Loam
1.635 2
Supple Loam
0.572 2
Dry Marrow
0.082 2
Thick Spinneret Fluid
0.736 2
Natural Spinneret Fluid
0.327 2
Complex Platinum Silvered Rune
1.799 2
Consigned Bite of the Shissar VI
0.164 2
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
138145_a_grol_baku_guardian_MAGELO-GEN STANDARD 1 0 2 100%
Item Chance Multiplier
Spiny Long Sword
4.497 1
Spiny Short Sword
3.843 1
Spiny Two Handed Sword
4.497 1
Spiny Short Spear
4.988 1
Spiny Dagger
4.252 1
Spiny Warhammer
4.824 1
Spiny Great Staff
4.661 1
Spiny Mace
3.761 1
Spiny Dirk
4.415 1
Spiny Scimitar
4.906 1
Spiny Great Mace
4.661 1
Star Jewel
2.208 1
Astral Jewel
2.208 1
2.453 2
2.289 2
2.208 2
Malleable Loam
7.686 2
Damp Marrow
2.371 2
Crude Spinneret Fluid
4.579 2
Simple Etched Rune
2.698 2
Table Name Type Multiplier Minimum Drop Drop Limit Probability
GLB-Ornate-Defiant-Drop GLOBAL 1 1 0 2%
Item Chance Multiplier
Ornate Defiant Plate Bracer
1 1
Ornate Defiant Plate Gauntlets
1 1
Ornate Defiant Plate Boots
1 1
Ornate Defiant Plate Helm
1 1
Ornate Defiant Plate Vambraces
1 1
Ornate Defiant Plate Greaves
1 1
Ornate Defiant Breastplate
1 1
Ornate Defiant Chain Bracer
1 1
Ornate Defiant Chain Gauntlets
1 1
Ornate Defiant Chain Boots
1 1
Ornate Defiant Chain Coif
1 1
Ornate Defiant Chain Sleeves
1 1
Ornate Defiant Chain Leggings
1 1
Ornate Defiant Chain Tunic
1 1
Ornate Defiant Leather Bracer
1 1
Ornate Defiant Leather Gloves
1 1
Ornate Defiant Leather Boots
1 1
Ornate Defiant Leather Cap
1 1
Ornate Defiant Leather Sleeves
1 1
Ornate Defiant Leather Trousers
1 1
Ornate Defiant Leather Tunic
1 1
Ornate Defiant Cloth Wristwrap
1 1
Ornate Defiant Cloth Gloves
1 1
Ornate Defiant Cloth Sandals
1 1
Ornate Defiant Cloth Cap
1 1
Ornate Defiant Cloth Sleeves
1 1
Ornate Defiant Cloth Pantaloons
1 1
Ornate Defiant Cloth Robe
1 1
Ornate Combatant's Globe
1 1
Ornate Adept's Sphere
1 1
Ornate Defiant Harmonagate
1 1
Ornate Defiant Geode
1 1
Ornate Defiant Bone Sledgehammer
1 1
Ornate Defiant Scepter
1 1
Ornate Defiant Longsword
1 1
Ornate Defiant Gladius
1 1
Ornate Defiant Rapier
1 1
Ornate Defiant Dagger
1 1
Ornate Defiant Orb
1 1
Ornate Defiant Skullstaff
1 1
Ornate Defiant Harpoon
1 1
Ornate Defiant Scythe
1 1
Ornate Defiant Bow
1 1
Ornate Defiant Skullshield
1 1
Ornate Defiant Glowing Shield
1 1
Ornate Defiant Charm
1 1
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022