An Enthralled Underbulk - Spawn Locs
Zone Coords Chance per day Respawn
The Deep
(-165, 1521, -61)
33 21.6 22m
The Deep
(620, 1444, -59)
80 52.36 22m
The Deep
(909, 1439, -62)
100 65.45 22m
The Deep
(872, 1632, -56)
80 52.36 22m
The Deep
(-252, -72, -61)
35 22.91 22m
The Deep
(-211, -288, -60)
17 11.13 22m
The Deep
(-627, -296, -94)
17 22.95 10m 40s
The Deep
(-213, 18, -58)
17 22.95 10m 40s
The Deep
(-326, 117, -61)
17 22.95 10m 40s
The Deep
(-558, 139, -90)
17 22.95 10m 40s
The Deep
(-640, 180, -94)
17 22.95 10m 40s
The Deep
(-155, 1516, -62)
17 22.95 10m 40s
The Deep
(813, 1596, -59)
17 22.95 10m 40s
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022