an enthralled outcast - Spawn Locs
Zone Coords Chance per day Respawn
The Deep
(251, 1423, -60)
50 32.73 22m
The Deep
(-708, -492, -89)
50 67.5 10m 40s
The Deep
(-724, -198, -89)
50 67.5 10m 40s
The Deep
(-52, -131, -54)
50 67.5 10m 40s
The Deep
(623, 105, -60)
50 67.5 10m 40s
The Deep
(-578, 131, -90)
50 67.5 10m 40s
The Deep
(121, 287, -60)
50 67.5 10m 40s
The Deep
(244, 1409, -61)
50 67.5 10m 40s
The Deep
(590, 1434, -58)
50 67.5 10m 40s
The Deep
(-65, 1594, -61)
50 67.5 10m 40s
The Deep
(-75, 1617, -60)
50 67.5 10m 40s
The Deep
(900, 1601, -54)
100 65.45 22m
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022